This bar graph shows how often a geographical location is mentioned, and gives an idea of frequency. Starting at the utmost left on the x-axis, the vast majority of the places are mentioned only once or twice, whereas there is one place (England) that is mentioned 208 times, one that is mentioned 225 times (France), etc. This visualization provides insight into what extent the correspondence covers a limited set of topics widely, or, covered a wide range of topics briefly. Interestingly, the Low Countries are 'only' mentioned 71 times, which relates to the patterns we detected in the visualizations above: instead of mentioning the country as a whole as a geographical reference (e.g. France, England), Bodley and his correspondents are far more precise when writing about the Low Countries, hence the fact that The Hague is mentioned 90 times, Utrecht 92 times, and Flushing 111 times.