This bar chart focuses on the geographical locations mentioned within the correspondence between a specific epistolary dyad (e.g. Bodley and Queen Elizabeth), and how often a place located within a particular country (or that country itself) was mentioned, expressed as a percentage of the total number of places mentioned within that specific correspondence. The graph shows the geographical range covered in the correspondence between two authors, and, more importantly, makes clear which areas received most attention in the correspondence between Bodley and his correspondents.

In the letters between Bodley and five other people (Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex; Sir Robert Cecil; the Privy Council; Queen Elizabeth and Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley) locations within the Low Countries (or the Low Countries as a single entity) are mentioned most frequently (for obvious reasons!). However, a spike in the graph is discernible illustrating Bodley’s intelligence exchange about Scotland and Scottish affairs with the Earl of Essex.