6–8 June, 2019
Venue: University College London, IAS Common Ground
This symposium brings together a group of UK-based academics and librarians, as well as key Continental scholars, in an attempt to consolidate current research, for the first time, on seventeenth-century libraries and book collecting. Much research has been done, but it remains scattered across disciplinary divides. Until separate findings have been amalgamated, we will not be able to establish the patterns of book acquisition and library formation for this important period.
Seventeenth-Century Libraries: Problems & Perspectives will address questions of topography and typology, networks of library activity, administration, visual identity, dispersal, owners and content, and definitions of public and private. The symposium will also confrontcurrent topics of cultural and intellectual history – especially heritage and antiquarianism, the circulation and management of knowledge, and the rise of consumerism and the culture of collecting, as presented in such books as Arthur MacGregor’s Curiosity and Enlightenment (2007), Ann Blair’s Too Much to Know (2010), and Linda Levy Peck’s Consuming Splendor (2005).
Full registration fee (includes tea/coffee on all days, and lunch on Friday): £50
Full day (Friday) only (includes tea/coffee and lunch): £35
One half-day (Thursday or Saturday) (includes tea/coffee): £15
Please register via UCL online store
For further information, please contact Dr Robyn Adams (robyn.adams@ucl.ac.uk) or Dr Jacqueline Glomski (j.glomski@ucl.ac.uk)