Hooke Folio
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in hot or cold air. mr. Hooke made an expt. of Gunpowder burning wthout air orderd tht the seald weatherglasses
be made of thicker glasse to be inclosed in the compressing engine to see whether any alteration will
be made in the liquor. (monstrous Calf) madrid obseruation of Comet.) Sr. Robert moray moued that
mr Hookes Lecture might be perfected & printed which was assented to. Kindle charcole
included in a Receiuer wthout exhausting the air, went out in a minute, repeated again it
continued. 1 1/3 minute .(about anatomy.) orderd that mr Hookes expt of the resistance of air
passing into small holes be tryed.
Feb: 22. 1664/5. (comet of cutts). There was tryd an expt. wth a comon seald weatherglasse placed in the
condensing engine wth. a gage in it and the air being considerably compressed the liquor in the ther
mometer was not found to rise sensibly. another expt. was made to try what strength
was requisite to force the air into the bones of small pipes filld with water or how
much of the pressure of the air is taken off by its ingresse into smaller & smaller holes
and it was found that the smaller holes did require the greater force to driue in the
air and to force out the water. There was also made an Expt. wth niter put in an
earthen crys crusible vpon the fire, & sulphur being cast on the top of it, it gaue
a very bright viuid flame (Sorbiers discourse about comet) plant nisi pesented) new
optick glasses of Campani) mr. Hooke gaue an account of a Dog that dyed after
his spleen had been taken out, affirming that he had seen a kind of glandule grown
on to a peice of the spleen that was Left. and that the liuer & cawle were altogether
putrifyed (It was orderd that another dog by Dr Charlt & Dr Clark.) mr. boyle propounds expts.
chymicall in exhausted Recr:) mr. Hooke produced a new small quadrant by himself
contrived to make by the meanes thereof bothe Celestiall & terrestriall obseruations wth
more exactnesse then by the Largest Instruments, that haue hitherto been publiquely known
this quadrant is only of 17 inches Radius being by the contriuance of a small rowler
that moueth vpon the limb of it made soe accurate that each Degree is actually dis
tinguisht into 60 minutes each of wch. minutes being about 1/3 of an inch Long is actually
Diuided into 6 parts denoting euery 10 seconds in a minute. the sights are likewise
soe contriued though but short as to be noe Lesse curious in Distinguishing the parts
of a minute in the visible Object. the perpendicular also of the quadrant is soe
contriued that though it exceed not much 3 foot in Length yet it can be adjusted
by the meanes of an index soe exactly as if it were 60 foot Long. -
March. 1. 1664/5. There was an expt. made to try whether sulphur cast vpon heated niter
would Burn without air. by putting niter into an Iron crucible Red hot and inclosing it in
the rarifying engine whence the air being well exhausted which appeard by the suckers going
down almost to the bottom. The sulphur which therevpon by turning the stopcock was Let
fall vpon the Niter, and was seen to flame as freely as if it had been in the open air.
mr. Hook was orderd to diuise more expts. to Elucidate the nature of fire and burning.
A Letter of Hugens. feb. 65. about vse of pend watch at Sea. Sympathy of pend: agreemt wth Sr Ch wrens hyp of Comet
opinion of Desons chariot. directions for sea watches to be printed in English) That mr. Hooke should ex=
tract out of his Lecture a Discourse ^ /vpon/ of the Late comet & fit it for the presse together wth. the necessa
ry. (Col Blunt to bring modul of chariot) mr. Euelyns paper about french bread) kiflers ouen)
furs bushes rould in east makes it keep all the year.) Salt white of Egg & flower beaten & ferment togeth
and serue for yest) of macassar poison way of trying campanys glasses. Orderd that the Prest. Sr. R mory
Col Long & mr Hooke and as many els should meet thurs/day/ night next at westminster hall & try seuerall
Engl: glasses of mr. Reeues making of the same Length vpon the same character obseruing the cir
cumstances prescribed in the paper concerning Distance Light &c.
march the 8. 1664/5. The expt. of flamig spt. of Wine (as proposd by mr Boyle) included in a Recr: of the Pneu
matick Engine was made wth this successe. That the sd spirit was extinguish in the Re
ceiuer exhausted in 9 section, in the vnexhausted it kept burning 24 seconds. -
The expt. of nitre & filed tinn was also made and the filings of tin cast vpon niter ouer the
fire made it flame, though it was neuer known that any sulphur was extracted out
of tinn which seems to Inferr. that there /are/ bodies combustible that are not Sulpherous. Dr. wilkins p'posd
that the following Expt. of Dr wrens suggestion might be tryd vizt to putt a fermenting liquor in a glasse ball to which a stop cock should
be fitted and to ty a bladder about the top of the stop
cock by which meanes a certain air generated by the fermenting