Hooke Folio
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Ian. 18. 1664/5. (Power. of Comet) wallis of comet) Pell Eclipse) There was made an Expt to shew
that it was not the agitation of the Burning body, that did continue it burning. There was putt a
chafing dish wth kindled coles in it into a glasse couered, and hauing been a Little while in it they
went out, nor would any agitation of the chafing dish Reuiue them. Then there was included a
chaffing dish with Burning Coles, into a long square wooden box wth. a pair of bellows (according
to mr. Boyles former suggestion) that were soe fitted wthin as to blow the air vpon the coles, and after
the bellows had been exercised some 10 or 12 minutes, the coles went out nor could they be re
viued by any blowing of the included vpon them. But as soon as fresh air was admitted & the bellows
plyed. the coles Reviued their Burning. the president desired that these expts. hauing answered what
had been sayd for the agitation of the air as necessary to burning, an Expt. might be made to shew
that it was not the filling of the pores of the air with exhalations and the rendring it thereby vnable
to receiue more of them that made it goe out. Sr R moray q. whether the compression of air would not
extinguish fire.) mr. Hooke was of that Opinion, that as air much rarifyd wherein the pores are in
larged was found to make ^ /burning/ bodys goe out. soe condensed air would keep them Longer Aliue
(mr. Boyle suggestd expt. 1 after coles are stifled. to try to reduce there, to smoke, powderd coles by a burning glasse or by red hot iron Let fall, also
to Distill powderd charcole) Mr. Hooke Desired that some expts. might be suggested, that were thought not solua
ble by the hypothesis of fire proposed by him. (mr. Boyle says he had considerd of this subject 4 or 5 years since, but
had not Leasure to review his writings) Sr. Rob Moray that he had seen a bituminous or Pitchy substance drawn out
of Scotch coles) mr. Boyle of separate salt from sea water by freezing. Examined by water poyse) Dr Godderd discourse of Coffe
[In margin]180   Bish: of Exeter, tht twas paraliticall) Grant, the same) -
Ian. 25. 1664/5 (D of Brunswick) Orderd that mr. Hooke do bring in his obseruations of the Late eclipse of the
hapning the 21st present (Streets appendix to be pervsed) of copper stone good copper) The Expt. of including a chafing
Dish with Burning coles into a wooden box, and of blowing with Bellows the Internall air vpon them was repeated
with the like successe as formerly. To see whether the compression of air did cause the extinction of the fire
there was put a Lamp into the condensing engine and abundance of air being crowded into it, it was found that
the Lamp burnt in that compressed air about 15 minutes whereas in /the/ vncompressed air in the same Engine
it burnt not aboue 3 minutes. It was orderd that /at/ the next meeting there an Expt. should be made of filling
a vessell wth smoke, to see whether a candle put into it would burn as long therein as it would doe in
the same air without smoke. Orderd also that a fusee should against the next day be prepared of salt
peter & Cole to see how long it will Continue burning in a Close vessell (Dr Ent sugg. including animall & candle
(mr. Boyles Expts. recommended 2 to Curator. 1 to Dr Godderd.) Neile Queryd whether compression promoted freezing) Dr. clark that the freezing
bitter decoction destroyd bitternesse. to be further tryd) Operator produced frozen Beer, destroyd by freezing) Wallis Letter of Comet & Horrox
Feb: 1. 1664/5. (Dr. merret p'd: starrshoot of froggs) seed of fungus) Dr. Wren. Obsers and theory of Comet) Ld Sandwich's
Letter of Comet) These obseruations were recomended to Dr Wren & mr Hooke. (capn Grant p'd. a box like Cork)
An Expt. was tryed wth. a burning lamp placed in the condensing engine and sufferd to continue in the ordinary air
included in the Receiuer vncondensed for 3 minutes. The same being taken out, was, the satiated air of the Receur
being blown out, put in againe and closed vp, and new air being continually forced in, the Lamp vpon such for
cing in of the air was found to continue burning 17. minutes. and about a minute after the pumping ceased
the Lamp went out, hauing Lasted in all since the inclosure 18 minutes.
Feb. 8. The Expt. of Burning charcole blown in a close Receiuer was againe tryed which did continued fired
not aboue 1 1/2 minute. The like Expt. was tryd wth. a Bird put into the Receiuer together wth a chafing dish of
coles vpon the Extinction of wch. about the same time the Bird also began to dye but being let out into the open
air Recouered againe. An expt. was made of trying to kindle fine powder of charcole put in a close glasse
Receiuer, wth a large square peice of Iron heated Red hot & let down vpon it wthin the Receiuer, according
to mr Boyles suggestion. after a small chaffing dish of coles had been sufferd to burn & Goe out in the said Receiuer
It was found that the Red hot Iron lay on ^ /the top of/ the charcole powder without kindling or firing the powder at all
till by opening the couer of the Receiuer and thereby admitting the externall air, It began to kindle
all about the Iron. and to smoke and burn apace (mr. Bagnall p'd. Lapisamianthus.) Mr. Pepys Candidate
Some obsers. concerning the Comet from mor Beaufort were deliuerd to mr. Hooke and to be Communicated to Dr. wren
(crabtrees papers to be procurd fro Dr worthington) Redstreak grasse fro Rd. Read) A Pipe made Red hot lying in chaffing dish
being blown through did not emit any visible flame but did Burn a paper held close to it. (Loadstones & Earths
from Sr A King) Dr. Hoar p'duc'd a white body brough from the Alps said to be petrifyd snow. mr Hooke was desired to
view it wth his microscope (Hoar a mucilage frog. & stomack ball).
Feb: 15. (Dr Charleton merganser.) Mr. Pepys nomine contradiente Elect & Admitted. (Dr. Charleton of the Trachea)
mr. Hook made an Expt. wth. charcole inclosed in a glasse to wch. niter being put and the hole suddenly stopd againe the fire
reuiued although noe fresh air could get in (mr Boyle tht Gunpowder would soe burn, also that tin mixt wth niter would burn) Mr Hook also
adds that filings of Iron mixed wth niter will kindle it It was orderd the Expt. should be tryed (yesso from Spain)
orderd that mr. Hooke make tryall wth a flaming & a body heated wthout flame, whether the heat & flame are preserved best in