r Hookes Extracts out of the Iournal-Books of the R.S. for
his own priuate u
Vol. 1:
1661 April.3. M
r. Boyle brought in his booke concerning
the gla
sse tubes.
orderd that euery member of
the Society should haue one of m
r. Boyles Bookes.
to Di
se vpon again
st this Day seuenight.
That it be moued the next Day whether the matters to be debated shall be agreed vpon
the Day before.
Apr. 10. that the amanu: get the knowledg of the Dwelling of euery particular member of
the Society, for at occa
sion to summon them at
the meeting when things of concernm
tare to be Debated. -
the ammanu. make seuerall crooked gla
sses w
th bubbles at the end. - [Diagram]
- voted
tht the next Dayes Debate be agreed on before hand.
Orderd that the next Day be debated the Di
se of m
r. Hookes Little booke -
may. 1. 1661. orderd
the same subject to be debated
the next Day.
may. 8. the Debate of tubes to continue to this Day seuennight
15. m
r. Boyle presented
the Society w
th his Engin.
That the Debate of
the that Day be concerning
the /little/ tubes . &
the florentine Exp
28. D
r. Wilkins D
r Ent D
r Whistler. D
r Ward D
r. Henshaw & m
r. Rooke appointed a
comitte for
the matter of fact concerning
the Ri
sing of Liquors in small pipes.
Iune. 5. 13. D
r. Wilkins [intreated to bring in the history of] the filtrations.
Iuly. 31. D
r Wilkins exp
ts. of blown bladders made who
se particulars are to be in
the Regi
ster book:
tht. D
r Wilkins be plea
sd to cau
se pipes of seueral bores to be made for to try
the exp
t. of blowing vp weights.
tht. D
r. Whistler be plea
sd to bring in writing his thoughts of Grauitation & springs.
Aug. 7. D
r. Wilkins made his exp
t. of Blown Bladders & intreated to bring in writing an account thereof.
Aug. 14. D
r. Wilk. - brought /in/ - in writing his account of blown bladders which is regi
stred fol 57.
r. croune intreated to bring in
his an account of his Exp
t. of bladders &. water.
28. orderd
tht the exp
t. made by m
r. crone. with a bladder & water in it be further prosecuted again
st next Day &
the effect brought in writing
Sep. 4. m
r. crone shewd his Exp
t. w
th Bladders & water which suceeded very well & thanks returnd from
the Company to him with intreaty to bring account
in writing next Day. ---- m
r crone intreated to Cau
se a syphon of gla
sse to be made &
the short end kept vp to try
the compre
ssion of air
th. quicksiluer and al
so an Exp
t. to /be/ tryd ^ /with/
the weight of liquors in a syphon.
Dr Crone produced 2 exp
ts. 1 of compr: of air w
th. quicksiluer in a crooked tube of gla
the nipt end of w
ch. broke (m
r. Boyle gaue an
account of his same exp
t. made by compre
ssing 12 inches of air to 3 inches with about 100 inches of quicksiluer).
18. m
r . Boyle brough in his account in writing of
the exp
t. he made of
the compre
ssion of air w
th quic
s. in a crooked gla
sse tube & ord
d to be regi
Nou. 6. M
r. crone read his narration of
the Exp
t. of Bladders & orderd to be registred.
Ian 1. 1661/2. D
r wren to Draw up a scheme
of /for/ a weather clock againt next Day
r. wren de
sired to prosecute his proposed Designe of seuerall round pa
stbords with bullets to try their velocity of falling
8. D
r. wren brought in a scheme of a weather clock
22. D
r. wren shewd his exp
t. of filling a ve
ssell w
th. water. which emptied it self filld at a certain height. the model is in
the ^ /repository
. . . and was applyed to
the weather clock/
29. D
r. wren read a paper concerning weather gla
Feb: 5. D
r. wren di
sired to think of an other way for a vniuer
sall mea
sure other than a pendulum.
12. D
r wren propo
sed that black Lead to be of v
se to preserue the piuots of
the wheels of watches. ( a Lead pipe set vp 33 ton
esPalmer Bel metall -
March 5. Zulichems Letter of Boyles Engin. Vz. Oldenb interlining
r. Boyle tryd Rusma . 19. M
r Boyle corroded gla
16. m
r. Brooks mu
sick paper read. 23. Boyles bent tube for Condensation. hinged hangings
May. 17. Boyle waterpoi
se [Drawing]. oldenburg air Leuell. Boyles. hardning liquors. and Dissoluing fle
14. Haak to translate an Italian peice of Dying. Wallis his Dumb man. this is publist in Lock of Common Plac
21. wilkins president. S G Ent. Death watch.
Iune 4. a
scent of water in solid 24 inches Boyle.
25. Boyle Looking gla
sse fluid foil.
Iuly 5. Boyle. motion of

turpentine & sp
t of wine. mercators new Astronomicall hypothesis
Ref: CELL/RS/HF_003 © Centre for Editing Lives and Letters