Hooke Folio
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© The Royal Society


Iuly. 9. 1662. Wren & Pope Obseruers of Satellits. Wintrop history of Pitch & tarr & Potashes
30. mr. Boyles Letter to Sr R moray in answer to mr zulichems Objections was read and orderd to be registred wth an other of the same
subject written to mr Boyle himself who is intreated when he prints his book againe to adde these two letters to it
Aug. 6. Orderd tht mr Bond & the Rest try the variation of the needle at white hall
fol. 185. Dr. Godderd brought in an account of the weight of mercury in a tube in reference to the torrecellian Expt. & ordrd tht it be registred
Aug 13. Dr. Godderd made an expt. wth. quicksiluer weighing it in the tube inverted. The Patent for the Soc read by Oldenburg.
Dr. wallis desired to bring in his solution of Dr. Goddards expt.
Aug. 20. Sr. R moray shewd 2 books Sinclars & Gregorys opticks. 1st. recommended to Brounkr. moray Boyle Goddar. 2d to whistler Pope crone
Hill & Crone to bring an account of tenacity of bodys out of Gallil: & Mersennus. vnderground obseru. sent by Crone to Power & Synclar
Boyle to prosecute expts. about velocity of sounds. Godderd charlton & crone echos. Riccoljs measure of the earth to be examined by Oldenburg
27. wallis of Glasse canes read. registred fol. 187. mr. Crone was disired to make the expt to shew tht water will passe where air will not.
Sep. 3d. Sr. Gilb talbot Dr. merrit mr Haak mr Henshaw disired to assist in the translation of the Italian book of Dying - -
a french Discourse in manuscript about taking heights & Distances a new way by catoptricks brought in by Sr. R moray. orderd to be translated against next Day
10. Expt. of the strength of wires orderd. curator mr Crone. tryed next Day.
17. mr. boyles expt. of 2 liquors turning consistent by mixture desired. charlton. read about direct & reflex sounds.
oct. 1. Dr Wren presented to the Company some cutts done by himself by a new way of etching whereby he sayd he could almost as soon doe a peice on
a plate of brasse as another could draw it wth. Crayon vpon paper.
8. Dr. wren offerd an Expt . about the Vndulation of quicksiluer. which in a crooked tube which he suggested was for the velocity
of it proportionall to the vibrations of a pendulum It was referred to him to prosecute that Expt. further & bring in an account
of it. --- mr. Oldenberg produced a Letter giuing an account of a new mixture of mettalls vsefull for Pistolls & Gunns very
much esteemed in Germany. very light not subject to Rusting or breaking orderd tht an extract of it be entred.
15. Sr. R moray gaue an account of his Maj. fauour to the society in declaring his pleasure that noe patent should passe for any philosophicall or mecha
nicall expt. Inuention but what was first put to the examination of this society. mention of making iron wth seacole.
22. Long Discourse about equivocall Generation.
29. a lamp burning vnder water. to be tryd wth liue creatures. Dr. Goddard suggested Drebells way of gouerning a furnace by a thermom of quicksiluer
Dr. Goddard 3d. Expt of weighing Glasse and mercury. Streets proposal about longitude. Harriots & Haruys papers in Ld Clarendons hand

nou. 5. Hall to Destroy gold irreducible.

Sr. Robert moray proposed a Person that is willing to be entertaind as a curator by the Society and offering to furnish
them euery Day when they meet wth. 3 or 4 considerable experiments expecting noe Recompense till the society get a stock
enabling them to giue it. the Proposition was Receiued vnanimously. mr. Hooke being named to be the Person

nou. 12. Sr. Robert Moray Proposed mr. Hooke as a curator of Expts. to the Scoiety. who being vnanimously accepted of It was
orderd mr Boyle should haue the thanks of the Society for Dispensing wth. him for their vse and tht mr Hooke should come
and sit amongst them. and both bring in euery Day of the meeting 3 or 4 Expts. of his own, and take care of
such others as should be mentiond to him by the Society -
Ld Brounker & S R moray to measure velocity of falling bodys. Sr. W. Pettys double bottomed vessell. Streets Longitude. Berkenshaws musick
Driden candidate.
19. Dr. Goddard Expt. of & water. mr. Hooke made the Expt. of breaking seuerall glasse bubbles by water wth rarifyd air whereof some
did break wth a brisk noyse others not. he was desired to bring in the account in writing against next Day. as also to make tht Exp
of weighing the same glasse first wth. the Rarefyd air and afterwards wth. the common air admitted into them when vnseald
The same vndertooke to shew an Expt. of about the tenacity of air, and did also acquaint the society wth an engine he had
for trying many Expts of condensation, which was orderd to be made as soon as may be.
26. mr. Hooke brough in his Expts. account of the Expts. tryed with Glasse. which was read and orderd to be considerd next
Day. when the author was also was desired to shew the seuerall Expts. (mentiond in his paper) to the company. and to haue
a scheme in great of the seuerall vesells whereby he indeauours to proue that the parts of glasse are pressed close
together. he was also Desired to think vpon some expts. of freezing.
Dr. wilkins new way wiser shewd. -
Decemb: 3. Mr. Hill freezing salt water fresh. . 3 tryall suggested to Dr Power. 1 a blown bladder. for shrinking. 2 mercury for subsiding. 3
vibrations of pendulu if How how long sound passes.
-mr. Hook made the Expt. of weighing Rarifyd & common air in Little glasse bubbles & the Difference was found to bee neer half a
graine in one of them and aboue 1/2 a graine in an other. he also brought in an account about measuring the expansion
of the air vizt what proportion the Decrease of its force holds to its increase of Dimensions. the reading whereof was deferred to
the next Day. the same proposed against next Day the Expt. ascending & Descending bodys in water vizt what weight
they adde to the vessell conteining the water. He was also desired to prepare for the making of the expt. of water
freed from air. which mr. Zulichem saith descends not in the cane after the air is exhausted out of the Receiuer
10. Mr. Hookes account of the Rarefaction of air was read [which was orderd to be entred] and he desired to
make the expt. wth quicksiluer & spt. of wine (mentiond in his paper) before the society at the next
meeting. Item to make the expt. of weighing ascending & Descending bodys in water Item to Distill
some water to see whether the half of it being Distilld does weigh as much as the other half remaining in
the Retort, to find out whether there be some parts in water subtiller & finer than others. -
Sr. R moray. Described to the society a kind of furnace that puts air into a flame by pipes being outwardly heated
and blown by bellows by the meanes of which furnace some doe pretend to melt oare into water.
mr. Hoskins desired to pervse the authors that haue written of Iceland and the neighbouring countreys.
_____ /here Rochford entring ends, & Mr Weeks begins the next Day. viz/
17. The expt. of expanding the air from the Spt. of wine was made and agreed very neer wth. the Account
giuen by mr. Hooke in writing.
- mr. Hooke brought in his account concerning the Diuersity of ^ /the/ parts of common water as also some
remarks about the freezing figures /in/ of vrine and the figures of the small shootings of Hore frosts
which was orderd to be entred [fol 22. lib. 2] he was made curator of 3 Expts. against next Day
vizt. 1 of weighing ascending and Descending bodys in water. 2 of weighing some bodys at the top
of Westmr Abby. and at the foot. 3 of forcing water out of a glasse by its own vapours
[Island querys.]
24. The expt of weighing ascending & Descending bodys in water and another of Driuing water out of a glasse by its own vapours was
made before the Society by mr Hooke who also brought in an account in writing of the Later [which was orderd to be entred] lib2.fol] and was
desired to Doe the same concerning the former against the next Day. mr Hooke gaue also an account in writing of the experiment concerning
. . .Decrease of Grauity the further a body from and below the surface the earth. orderd to be registred.