Letter ID: 0450
Reference: TNA, SP 84/48/16 f.16r-17v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0450/008
Date: 10 July 1594
Copies: 0034 1372 1374 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasuror of England.

Endorsed: 10 July 1594 Master Bodley to my L. From the Haghe. prince of Anholt come to Cont Moryce. Brederod and Valk sent into Scotland Count Moryce escaped a shott at Gronyngen

Later Addition: 10 July 94


May it please yo[r good L. I have nothing more to signifie, for mine owne negotiation, till I heare from your L. It might have steeded me muche for many respectes, if untill that her Majestie had fully resolved, I might ether have knowen, by some litle intimation, wherupon it hath staied, or had somewhat said unto me, to intertaine them heere the while. For although I have devised the best that I could, to answear their de- maundes, yet I see they are not satisfied, and I am alwaies uncertaine, howe well my answears may ac- cord with her Majesties designes. It is signified very nowe, by lettres from the Campe, that the 5 of this moneth, a part of the Ravelin, where our souldiers had mined, and placed stoare of powder, was sette a fire and blowen up, with 200 men in it: of which there were very fewe saved, but were ether by the mine, or by our men after slaine, and many of them drowned in the water fast by. The Ravelin therupon was presently assaulted and taken by the Scottes, whose quarter was nearest, which is thought a great steppe to the taking of the towne. And we hope in like maner to heare every houre, of some special attempt to be given besides. For our approches, galleries, other mines, and workes, are brought so neere unto the rampers in 5 or 6 places, as they were ready, it is thought, about 4 daies past, to give upon the towne in all those places at an instant: as in the meane season, having planted theire artillerie upon 9 or 10 beddes, in severall places, thei shoote day and night and kill very many. Co. Maurice, in going about to viewe the workes, was defended from a bullet, by the meanes of his target, of which a splinter brake out, and hurt his page standing by. The wether heere for this moneth hath bin exceeding wette and windie, which has bin a great hindrance to the advancing of our workes; fol.16v
It is thought that otherwise, we might before this have ca- ried the towne. This benefit we have onely, that the ma- rishes thereby are waxed very deepe, so as the Enemie hath no meanes to convey in any souldiers, which he did often times before. There is a speeche, that 400 of Ver- dugoes souldiers are mutined, and have left him. Ernestus, we heare, doth assemble all his forces, for some special purpose, which is unknowen yet heere, but onely by conjecture, having sent already to the castel of Wo adjoi- ning to Berghen 300 mariners, it is supposed he intendes upon the Ile of Tertol. It is advertised hither from the Enemies contrey, that the Co. Charles Mansfelt is gone to the Spawe, leaving most of his troupes between Arras and Douay. The bruite goeth heere, that the P. of Anholt, is come to Co. Maurice, as thei say but to see, and to salute him. But by reason of a secret motion, which hath bin made by frendes heeretofore, for a matche betweene the Prince and the Lady Emilia de Nassau Co. Maurices sister both by father and mother, it is supposed that his comming is chiefly for that. But for ought I can perceave, by talke with those that seeme to knowe it, the Lady hath no fansie, to marie with any Germane. There are appointed from hens, to goe into Scotland to the baptisme of the Prince Monsieur Brederode the elder, and Monsieur Valke of Zelande. For that your L. may desire to see a plotte of this siege, I endevoured long agoe, to sette one a worke, but it was not possible, with any safetie to the workeman, to doe it with any perfitnesse, till our artillerie was throughly planted. Nowe the inclosed is sent unto me, which is done somewat sleightly and in a smalle rowme, without any trimming, for that the party doth promise to send me a larger, and exacter. Howbeit he doth assure me, that the just distance between our campe and the towne, the compasse of the entrenchement, and the length of the towne, with the forme of the angels, portes and bulwarkes, together with the fortes, waters, waies, and suche other general thinges, fol.17r
in that sort as they present themselves towardes our campe, are sette downe in just proportion, according to the scale of passes joined to it, which is onely meant of ordinarie going passes, accounting two foote to a passe. Although it be no draught to content your L. yet for that it is the first that I have yet seene, and is done by a skilfull person, who sent it me hither in a ruder forme, I have caused it heere to be somewhat better drawen, and I send it heerewith. And thus for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage July 10 1594. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
