Reference: TNA, SP 84/48/255 f.243r-244v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0444/008
Date: 06 June 1594
Copies: 1368 0031
fol.244vAddressed: To the right honorable Sir Robert Cecill knight one of her Highnes privie Counsell.
Endorsed: 6 June 1594 Master Bodeley to my Master From the Haghe
Later Addition: 6 June 94
May it please your H. to be advertised, that I receaved your letter of the 24 of the last, the 2 of this present, and a letter thereinclosed from her Highnes to the states, which I delivered unto them the next day after, and they promised to answear, when according to their custome, they shall have taken some time to de- liberat upon it. Howe they have agreed to satis- fie her Majestie for the pointes of my Instructions, I have formerly signified unto my L. Treasurer, and sent their owne letter to the self same effect, ha- ving no other cause to remaine at the Hage, but onely to attend her Highnes further pleasure. In the meane while I doe not cease to sollicit the chief of the Deputies, both to calle upon the Provinces, to arme as many shippes, as conveniently they may, and to returne their answear hither, assoone as is possible. I have also written to Co Maurice, to the very same purpose, and requested Sir Francis Vere, to urge him to it very earnestly. I am informed at this instant, that there are Hoyes sent to Flushing for embarking the companies, for which I thinke it very requisit, to calle for those supplies, which they have promised heere, and will perfourme, I doe not doubt, assoone as shall be needefull. Although I knowe that Master Gilpin doth keepe his course in reporting all other occurrences, yet unwilling that my lettre should come emptie to your H. I can not but advertise, that heere is very great hope of the taking of Groeninghen: partly by reason they are devided among themselves, and partly for that they can hardly /be/ relieved, with further succors from the Enemie, by meanes of our forces, which lie upon the passages. Nevertheles they fol.243v
doe not shewe any token in the course of their defense, that they will give it over hastely. For they shoote very thicke, and make many salies, and put us often to the worse: and in that respect the Englishe have had their part aswell as others: besides that many falle sicke of the companies lastly levied. We have cer- taine intelligence, that the D. du Mayne having bin at Brussels with Ernestus for two or three daies is depar- ted from thens with lettres of Exchange for 80000 ducates and with assurance by promise to be further assisted, both with horse and foote, which are gathering in great numbers with all expedition. Verdugo, as we heare, hath sent already into France700 horse, in lieu of which, it should seeme by lettres from Andwerpe, Ernestus is minded to send his Spaniardes into Friseland, which is also thought the rather, for that the Spaniards are not welcome to the Co. Charles Mansfelt. The Count, it is written, having left La Chappelle, is come as farre as Guise, and advanceth his armie towardes the kinge, who, we say, at this present besiegeth Laon, and is so farre engaged, as he can not with his honor but attend the others comming: which hath raised heere with us a great expecta- tion of the event of their meeting. In effect this is all that of the speeches heere with us I finde worthe the writing: for which I take my humble leave. From the Hage. June 6 1594. Your H. at commaundement. Tho. Bodley