Letter ID: 1368
Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol. 207r-208v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1368/008
Date: 6 June 1594
Copy of: 0444



Endorsed: 6 June



Later Addition: Belgia [bis] 1594 6 June

Maye it please your H. to be advertised that I receaved your lettres of the 24 of the last, the second of this present, and letter therein inclosed from her Highnes to the States which I delivered to them the next daye after, and they promised to aunswer, when according to their custome, they shall have taken some tyme to deliberat upon it. How they have agreed to satisfie her Majestie for the points of my Instructions I have formerlie signified to my L. Tresurer and sent their owne letter to the self same effect, having noe other cause to remayne at the Haghe, but onelie to attend her Highnes further pleasure. In the meane while I doe not ceasse to solli- cit the chiefest of the Deputies, both to call upon the Provinces, to arme as many shippes as conveniently they maye, and to returne their aunswear hither assoone as is possible. I have alsoe written to Co. Maurice to the very same purpose, and reque- sted Sir Francis Vere to urge him to it very earnestly. I am informed at this instant that there are Hoyes sent to Flushing for embarking the companies, for which I thincke it very requisit to call for those supplies which they have promised heere, and will perfourme I doe not doubt assoone as shalbe needfull.

Although I know that Master Gilpin doth keepe his course in reporting all other occurrences, yet unwilling that my lettre should come emptie to your H. I can not but advertise that heere is very great hope of the taking of Groeninghen, partlie by reason they are divided among themselves, and partlie for that they can hardlie be relieved with further succors from the Enemie, by meanes of our forces which laye upon the passages. Nevertheles they doe not shew any token in the course of their defence, that they will give it over hastilie. For they shoote very thicke, and make manie sallies, and put us often to the worse, and in that respect the English have had their parte aswell as others, besydes that manie fall sicke of the Companies lastly levyed. We have certaine intelligence that the Duke du Mayne having bin at Bruxelles with Ernestus for 2 or 3 dayes is departed from thence with letters of Exchange for 80000 Ducats, and with assurance by promis to be further assisted, both with horse and foote, which are gathering in great nombers with all expedition. Verdugo as wee heare hath sent alredy into France 700 horse in liew of which it should seeme by letters from Andwerpe, Ernestus is mynded to send his spaniards into Friseland fol.207v
which is alsoe thought the rather, for that the Spaniards are not welcome to the Co. Charles Mansfelt. The Count it is written ha- ving left la chapelle, is come as farre as Guise, and advaunceth his Armie towardes the Kinge, who we saye at this present besiegeth Laon, and is soe farre engaged, as he cannot with hys honnor but attend the others coming, which hath raised heere with us a great expectation of the event of their meeting. In effect this all that of the speeches heere with us I fynde worth the writinge For which I take my humble leave. From the Haghe June 6 1594
