
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/327

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Editorial comments:
TNA SP 84/63/262 f. 266r – 267v. William Herle’s Memorandum to Queen Elizabeth. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] Master Herles memoriall delyvered unto her Majestie.
Letter Text:
[fol. 266r] ^^ [fol. 266v]

The revenew of Amsterdam his communibus annis is five hundred thowsand Crownes by the yere, at fortie stivers to the crowne their monie.

[ Marginalia (by unknown hand): Holland alone.] The revenew of the Contrie ordinarie beside extraordinarie is a hundred and thirtie thousand gildernes by the moneth, which by the yere amownteth to xv. hundred and threescore thowsand gildernes.

They have this yere past disburst vj hundred thowsand gildernes beside above the ordinarie and will contribute to their shirte, So they maie have a faithfull head over them, and are out of doubt a trew and loving people, so that they be governed by justice.

They maie be drawne to furnish yerely of ordinarie betwene three and foure hundred thousand powndes flemishe, and fiftie saile of good shippes well appointed to anie exploite your Majestie shall have lykeng to.

Consequently yow shall have the state of Utrect, the duchie of Gelderland Overissell, Zeland, and west friseland imediately Contributors, when they shall see a head ones established mawgre all foes.

And your Majesties acceptacon of them shall awaken all Germanie out of sleepe to back and assist the Cawse, who onlie attend the Star that maie leade them the waie , [ Marginalia (by Herle): The sayd Germaynes] being wholly altered from this devotion since the Cowntenance and name of the french was used, whom they trust not, as ones I signified to your Majestie from Antwerp, whiles the Duke of Alanson was then there.

Holland is the Staple of all Europe, and maie starve the king of Spa: armie in the low Contries and Spaine it self.

[fol. 267r]

Holland and Zeland ar hable to make ten thowsand saile of shippes; The only staple of munition in the world in so small a grownd, a receptacle of the traffick of your Majesties Realme, So as having Embden at your devotion, as yow have alredie, and shall have in more ample sorte by Goddes leave, yow have to tame both Spaine and france will they or nill they, wherunto both the kingdomes of Denmarke and Swethen will joyne all their assistence, And so Spa: maie be kept occupied ^at home^ , his traffick cutt of at his verie dores, his kingdom starved, and the comodities of both the Indies cutt cleane from him, Towardes the which I have brought your Majestie a book of Sea Chartes, conteyneng all the portes, havens and creekes of Spa: and the ^secretts^ of them exactly: I have also for your Majestie a trew Calculation of all the shippeng of Spa: and their burden, and to whatt portes they belong, So as the attempt is easie and assured, if only yow voutsave to resolve.

To conclude Spa: is bent to beginn with your Majestie if this opportunitie be not embraced, and then all those thinges that serve now, for your strength and greatnesse, wilbe turned cleane against yow, and your owne freindes will quaile for the question is brought to this scantling, and is not voideable whether yow will have warres at home with Hanniball or warres abroade with Scipio, which most humbly of myne owne knowledge for discharge of my bownden dutie and naturall allegance, I do here present to yow my dere Soveraigne and Quene.

Further I am charged to saye unto your majestie from those of northe holland (To whom I must nedes write som comfortable answere by your majesties order, for they will trust me more than anie other, in this behalf). That they canot dwell longer than the middle of next moneth or the end, without hope of an absolute head [ Marginalia (by Herle): butt presently they most be resolved of som assurance on that behalf. ] And to your majestie they submitt all absolutely, without Condition or Cawtion, your faithe and sinceritie being holden sacred amongest them, which I praie unto the high God ever to blesse and augment. W. H.

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