
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/324

Catalogue entry

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Editorial comments:
TNA SP 82/1/75 f. 72r – 73v. Instructions for William Herle. At the paragraph beginning 'And in case', a different hand appears, possibly that of Sir Francis Walsingham. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] A memoriall for A. B.
Letter Text:
[fol. 72r] 8. June 1584 A memoriall for [ deleted: A. B.] ^William Herle gent^ of soche matters as are to be sent to Embden by her Majesty communicated on her Majestys behalfe unto the Cowntes of Embden.

To infourme him self ymmediatly uppon his repaire thether what dealings there have ben betwen the Counte Edawr and the K: of Spaynes ministers ether for making of sale unto the said K: of his interest in the said County or ells to be at his devocion and to graunt him the free use of the Ryver of Ems.

To informe him self howe the Counte John standeth affected in his cause as also the Towne of Embden

That in case he fynd that suche [ ... ] as ^hathe ben^ dealt in betwen the said K: ministers and Counte Edzar; he shall then as of himself disswade the said Counte from any further proceeding therin, putting him in mynd how great a wound yt must needes be to his owne conscience and a dishonnor to his [ deleted: whole] whole [ deleted: whole] ^howse^ that he should seeke to oppe a gappe for the K: of Sapyne to increase his greatnes in thes parts to the preiudice of th'Empire and the whole state of Christendom, and to th'overthrow of the relligion that him self doth professe, wherby he shall in thend be constrayned ether to forsake the same relligion and to becom an apostate or ells to see his owne ruyne and overthrow.

That in case thes perswasions cannot prevayle with the [fol. 72v] saide Counte, he shall then as of him self deale secreatlye with Counte John and thos of the Towne of Embden to know what meanes maye be used to ympeache and breake the progresse of this compact with Spayne, putting them in hope and comfort that her majesty, as ye are perswaded will concurre with them therein by all good meanes she can, [ deleted: in shewing unto the prynces of Germany howe great &]

And yf he see any lykelyhood that the bestowing of a [pencyon] uppon Counte Edzard will staye him from the course that he maye otherwyes runne with Spayne, then to assure him that youe thincke hir majesty may easelye be induced to bestowe the same uppon him.

And ^in case he still [ ... ] in the in [ ... ] with the [ ... ] ^ you are also to be [ ... ] to acquaynt the P. of Germany with the intellygence betwen Ezar and the Spaniardes, and to praye them bothe to [ deleted: advyce] ^cownsell^ the sayd Edzarde to desyst ^from^ any further proceading in that behalf as also that in case he shall not assent to followe her advyse that then they will imploye all her forces agaynst him as an enymye unto ^bothe^ he [ ... ] and the [ ... ] [etc.]

[fol. 73r]

You shall also informe your selfe whether they have ^not^ alreadye acquaynted any of the P ther next neyghbowres with the sayd Edzar and [proceding] and howe they shal there inclyned and which of the prynces they make accompt of to be inclynable to assyste them in cases of necessytye.

You shall also thanke the sayd Edzar for his [peace] and goad usage shewed unto the marchaunts and to desire the contynewaunce thereof)

Lastly for that yt is hard to geve yn any certen direction what is fitt to be don in furtheraunce of the service now comitted unto ye yt is therfore thoughte meet by her Majesty to referr the same to yor pore discrecion to take suche course therin as ye shall thinke maye advaunce the service.

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