
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/281

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Editorial comments:
SP 84/7/42 f. 86r - 87v . The Privy Council to the Earl of Leicester. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] Master of a letter to the Earle of Lycester 20 Marche 1585
[Endorsement by Burghley?:] to deale with the states for the wel usag of the E of Embdens subje [cts] To address master Herl unto him.
Letter Text:
[fol. 86r] After our hartye comendacons to your L. Whereas the Counte Edzard of Embden did of late wryte his lres unto her majesty conteyneng a long declaracon of many wronges, spoyles & injuryes that he pretendeth to have ben offred unto him and his subjects by thos of holland and westfriseland aswell on the ryver of Ems as in other placs of his terretoryes & dominions wherunto yt pleased her majesty to returne aunswer unto him by her lre that as she was sorye he had any such occasion ministred unto him to complayne of hard dealing at the States hands so had she presently g [iven] d [irection] to your L ^as^ Lieutenat generall of her forcs in thos Countryes to mediat betwein the states and him some spedy and orderlye redresse of his sayd grieves, for which purpose he should therfore do [well] to addresse unto you some [servant] or minister of his with sufficient instructions and directions in that behalf, which lre being here delyvered unto Ortell to be conveyed according to the direction he affirmeth that yt was saflye delyvered unto the States in their ^assembly or^ Colledge as [fol. 86v] he [termeth] yt, but forasmuch as [here] appeareth otherwyes no [ ... ] of the said conveyaunce of the sayd lre, her majestys pleasure is yow should infourme your self what is then becom of yt, and in case yow heare not from the Courte accordyng to the Contents and purpose of the same, then that you dispatch william Herle ^gent [ deleted: or if shuld not be in case fitt than some others] ^ unto him as one best acquaintid and of sufficient credite already with him to let him understand that according to her majestys expresse comandement you are ready to travell and do your uttermost endevour to mediate a frendly composcon of such greives and difficultyes as depend betwen him and the states. yf yt please him then in company of the sayd ^William^ Hearle or otherwyse to send some one ^unto yt^ fully instructed and authorised from him in that behalf uppon which occasion you maye also geve direction unto ^William^ Herle to acquainte him self particularly with the present state of the sayd Countes Contrye and affaires to thend you maye use the knowledge therof for [ deleted: her ma] the better [fol. 87r] advantag and futheraunce of her majestys service aswell. in the sayd negotacon as in any other accydent that may happen ^and if by chance of sycknes or other lett William herle can not be used herin than your L. is to choose some other mete person: though it will be hard to fynd any meter for this purpose^ And for that her Majestye conceyvethe that expedytyon ware fyt to be used therin her plesure is that youre L. did dyspatche [owt of] hande the sayd [ ... ] unto the Cownte, and to geve him [aspetyall] charge for that here writ (thoughe otherwyse she conceyve well of him for his [ ... ] hathe noted since slackenes in him in executyon of the charges that have heretofore ben comyted unto him ^by tarryeng long in the places to which he hath bene sent^ to use in this present servyce all dylygence and [ ... ] in [ ... ] of he shulde And to the end your L may parceyve what hath passed betwene her majestye and the sayd [ ... ] we send you the coppyes of the origynale letters.

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