
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/276

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/17/22 f. 43r - 44v. William Herle to Sir Francis Walsingham. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable Sir francs Wallsingham knight, her majesties principall Secretorye gyve these with speede att the Cowrtt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 27 Sept. 1582 From Master William Herle
[Note:] Capt. Pryn Capt Zowch Da. Rogers Norryix
Letter Text:

[fol. 43r] I wolld not leve your honor unadvertised (having so convenient a messenger as master Asshbye) of the state of things. Thatt is, that monsieur had gyven expresse order to those that had the charge of the Armye in Gellderland, to do their best to releve Lochem on satterday last, whattsoever sholld befall of it, wheruppon there be nowe com to monsieur this daye, that his Armye hath so well exploytted, as that the enmyes skonces be forced, the Town revayttaylled, the yong Erlles att Libertye, the olld garrison taken owtt, & a new put yn the place, & the enmye dryven to the hill with the losse of .5. ensignes ^taken^ , And that they be in hope to diffeatt the enmye whollye, which good newes have revyved the spirites of many here, And yett nottwithstandyng, there be som that dowtt of the truthe herof, asswell for that the enmye was verey strong, & superyor far in power to our syde, as allso that there is no ryngyng of Belles here, nor fyres of joye, for so good a torne Receved, Butt by the next your honor shall here more, for yf that Towne sholld miscarye, ytt were lykelye that all Gellderland wolld becom alltred, & gyve place to the enmye./ Ytt is a comune fasshyon here, that when they [ deleted: had] have had som notable losse by the enmye, then to give owtt the contrarye for 3. or 4. dayes, to cownterpayse the yll newes the better, which I pray God that this be nott so lykewise./

The frenche Armye is lykely nott to com to our ayde att all, for the Kings bands of ordynance, do retyre them sellves, & will nott joyne with the other Cavallerye, wherby [ deleted: ther] the rest [fol. 43v] shall nott be hable to make theire waye throwgh the enmye & without horsemen, the footemen ar to many that we have allredy. The frenche K. will nott declare him sellf. The contry here contributes nott. And the cawses of portyngall [ deleted: doth] do discorayge us all. Owr englyssh people for very povertye do disband theme sellves, & ron allso to the enmye, And to conlcude sir, this is a state of povertye & yrresolutyon./

Monsieur mislykes utterlye with these magistrates, who perfforme nothing to hym, & therfore threttens to forsake theme./ Som other wissh him in frawnce, this wynter, that he might rayse a suffycyent Armye agaynst the next spryng./ Monsieur St. Alldegond hath yesterday discharged him sellf of his state of presydentship over the Cowncell of estate & so every syde growes to be discontented./

Montignye by practis & fynesse hath fownd the mene to putt in 15. ensignes of sowdyours ynto Lyle in flanders, wherby he is master of the Towne, which gyves an yll taste to the rest of the Townes in flanders, heynalld, & Arthois, & may brede som allteracion./

I am sollicited agayn by master Stephen to move your honor towching the chargs of master Rogers dyett, wherof yf there be nott an allowans from her majestie his delyvrance canott follow. & now especiallye for that the Cowntye of mewrs is rydden in post to the dyet Imperyall, & therfore canott satisfye the Prince of Orengs reqwest, for gyveng of cawtyon to discharge the dyett that is demanded att the sayd master Rogers hands./

There is departed from Emdon abowtt the 4 ^th^ of this moneth, on Monsieur de Bologne, [ Marginalia (by Herle): a burgonion born, yett grettlye hispaniolated, &] a creature of the Cardynall Granvylles, ynto Scotlland, with comissyon of the K. of Spaynes to treatt with [fol. 44r] dobignye to make factyon there agaynst the Q. majestie & to allter Religion, & fynallye to establyssh mariage bettwen the K. of Scotts, & a dowghter of Spayne. The sayd Bologne is abowtt 60. yeres of ayge, a grett practiser, & had instructyons to sowe devision bettwen the Erlles of Emdon, beffore he went into Scottland, & to promis on of theme ayde agaynst the other, & to conffirme hym yn the state agaynst his brother, that wolld be att the devotyon of Spayne, wherin he proceded so far, as he wrought parte of the effect that he cam for, butt being discoverd, he was fayne for his saffetye, to hasten his jorney into Scottland the rather, which is necessarye, that her majestie be spedylye advertised of, & this matter your honor shalbe better [ deleted: advertised] ^instructed^ by the next./ Wherwith yn the mene tyme I humblye take mi leve./ Andwarp in haste the [ deleted: 27] .27. of september. 1582 Your honors ever more most humblye. W. Herlleli.

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