
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/274

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/16/100 f. 212r - 213v. William Herle to Sir Francis Walsingham. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable Sir francs Wallsyngham Knight, her majesties pryncipall Secretorye gyve these att the Cowrtt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] August 1582 Master William Hearle
Letter Text:

[fol. 212r] I send yow here with R. honorable, the copye of sondry ymportant things which I cawsed to be [ Marginalia (by Herle): translated] [ deleted: copyed] & written owtt of the Allmayn Tong, & for that I have no leysure, to make more copyes, I am to beseke your honor, to impart yowrs with in mi L. Thresuror & mi L. of Lecester who I hope will pardon me yf I do nott severallye wryte to theme att this present, & that further yt might plese your honor to dyrect me, yf there be ani other thyng that ye wolld have don here att this tyme, & I will faythfullye obey yow, in doing her majestie the best servyce that I am hable, which is nott unneedfull, as the season & the affayres be./

yesternight Monsieur was looked for att flusshing, & from thens to Repayre to Gawnt, to make his entrye there as Erlle of flanders, & to take their othes, butt his coming is differed for a senyght, to expect the arryall of the frenche forcs, who ar with the P. dollphin uppon the frontyers, in good nomber & eqwipaige, as the sayd Monsieur is ynfformed, The P. of Parma is marched in person to Gravellyng, to stoppe the passayge or to fighte with theme, before they be joyned with our Camp, wheryn yf he sholld prevayll, this syde were utterlye born to the grownd, & dryven to a deffensyve warre./ The Camp is nott yett mustred, butt the mony is browght thither, which [ deleted: shalb] shall nott be payd, beffore they be com all together, The sayd Camp contynewes still in grett disorder, & the murthers encrese, asswell bettwen the Rutters & the Englyssh, as the frenche & englyssh, Rochepott having nether Awthoritye, nor gravitye to governe things, And if severe order be nott taken, & things redressed with Another maner of dissciplyne, before these new supplyes be joyned, we shall have more warre among our own people, than agaynst the Enmye. Owr Englyssh pykes dyd notablye on frydaye was senyght in a grett skirmissh with the Enmye, sustayneng our Cavallerye, which otherwise had byn broken & the whole Camp diffeated, yett trulye the Rutters dyd their parte lyke men, A C horse of the Enmyes were slayne & above iiij C footemen./ vj captaynes taken prisoners wherof on was montignye Lyvetenant Coronell. Monsieur shewed master Norrys & Coronell Morgan grett cowntenance for this att Brugs, comendyng our natyon to be valyant, yf they wolld joyne obedyens with it, but he nether Remembers the ynsolvencye of his own people, nor the extreme povertye that might occasyon our poore men to demande som Releeff./ After he hath byn att Gawnt it is yntended that he shall com hither, which trulye will give him & his affaires small Reputacion, to whom in respect of these grett conspiracyes, [ Marginalia (by Herle): yntended agaynst hym] they do perswade to abstayne from the fylld (a thing easely condissended) & to govern the Armye by his Lyvetenant the P. dollphin [fol. 212v] The perffumer of this Town, that was wont to serve him with gloves, is yn suspycion & detayned uppon ytt, that he hath prepared som for him of master Renes fasshion. The Baylye of flusshing hath Receved lres from the K. of Sp: som heretofore, & now presently som, to delyver up the Town to him which lres, thowgh he acqwaynted the P. of Orenge still with, yett to avoyd often Temptacions, (the place ymportyng somuche) it is thowght convenyent that he be removed owtt of the Iland to som other charge./

[ Marginalia (by Herle): Lyre ] On frydaye the Townsmen of Lyre were publcyklye sworn yn the [ Marginalia (by Herle): enmyes] markett place to be trew subjects to the K. of Sp: & utter Enmyes to the frenche K. to the D. of Allenson. the P. of Orenge, & to all those that dyd ether adhere to theme, or were ayders & favorers of the sayd d. of Allenson, which is materyall for her majestie to understand./ There is sett up on the gate of Lyre in grett lres Di stat van Andwerpen is tho hueren Treyen Ballmes./ The Cyttye of Andwerp is to be lett ^or hired^ towards michellmas mart. The enmye comes daylye from Lyre to this Town gates & takes the castell & people awaye, Butt this daye they have erected iij ensygnes of Townessmen consisteng of [ deleted: 30] 350 [persons] to lye yn the Trenches, to whom they gyve xij gylldernes a [moneth] to be well payd, & they mene to have 3. cornetts of horse, to joyne theme att the Cyttyes expence. The inhabitants of Borcham & of the vyllaygs abowtt, ar comanded owtt of this town to their [ deleted: Trenches] howses agayn. They had by comune cowncell determined to have patted down & Levelld [ Marginalia (by Herle): to the grownd] hallf an englyssh without the Town, to discover the enmye butt the Richer sorte have alltred that decree./

An Enterprise agaynst Breda is faylled. And Locheyn in Gellderland was vyttaylled by the Erlle of Hollock before the enmye cowd prevayll there, dyest was somoned by the enmye, & threttned, butt they retorned without doiyng anithing, A lre from the K. of Spayn to the P. of Parma is intercepted, by the which he willes hym to send som of his forcs to assiste Verdugo in Gellderland, to the end that those contryes may com the soner to an allteracyon./ By advertisments owtt of Germany the K. of Sp: gyves in dowry [ deleted: to the ] with his elldest dowghter to the Emperor these lowe contryes, Butt yff the Emperor (as is affyrmed) be unffitt for generatyon, it is to abuse the [ deleted: wole] worrld & namelye to [ deleted: yntertayn] yntertayn England, frawnce, Germany & the subjects here, with vayne hope wherwith in hast I finissh the xijth of Awgust. 1582. Andwarp. The post hath stayd uppon me these 3. howres I pray yow consyder his attendance your honors most faythfullye. W. Herllely.

[Postscript:] The yntent to murther the Q. majestie is incresed & confirmed wherunto good vygylancye is to be had by the lyttell [ ... ] [fol. 213r] I have mani things more of ymportance to wryte which I will accomplyssh to morow./

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