
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/271

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/16/67.i f. 140r - 141v. William Herle to Sir Francis Walsingham. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable Sir frauncs Wallsyngham Knight her majesties [Pr] yncipall Secretorye gyve these
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 16 Julij 1582 Master William Hearle.
Letter Text:

[fol. 140r] R honorable. This mornyng is the discowrse hereynlcuded com to mi hands wherof as yett there be butt vj redy prynted & I send your honor ij./

The extreme passyon & vehemencye that is powred furth by the Awthor against the majestie of a kyng, is the [Rarest] & uncomlyest thyng that ever hath byn seene, & semes that it is dryven forwards by som desperacion, there with the Awthor is possessed, & wolld lykewise [ Marginalia (by Herle): possesse] this people with, thowgh the matter might have byn uttred yn truthe as it deserves, [ deleted: by] with suche Termes, as might have proffitted the cawse, yett this maner of delyng will (yn mi poore oppynion) offend many, & precipitate somwhatt to the grett danger of the Estate, & of som others yn partyculer. Butt that which moves mi symple judgement is that I am the more conffirmed yn the P. of Orenges debylitye or ympotentcye of mynde, whose [steye] was wont to be suche, as it dyd adorne & assure all his actyons, nott yellding to vyolent wyttes as he now dothe./

Owr Camp hath nether mete nor mony, wherof your wisdom is to conjecture the yssew. which is generall muteny & [conffusyon] ./

The Enmye doth eate the Contry abowtt Gawnt & Allost, to Releve their own therby, & to bryng us to further necessitye & [Repyneyng] . yf your honor thynck good I will Repayre to Brugs, to do the best servyce I may, for her majestie shall have grett [ deleted: neede] to be advertised howrly of the sucesse of thyngs here, which tend to playne Ruyne. Utrecht, & [Ultra mosana] ar sayd to becom wholly mallcontents, wherof your honor shall understand more by mi next./ And ther with do humbly take mi leve. the xvj of Julye. 1582. Your honors very humblye. W. Herlleli.

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