
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/269

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/16/61 f. 124r - 125v. William Herle to Sir Francis Walsingham. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R honorable Sir frauncs Wallsyngham Knight, her majesties [Pr] yncipall Secretorye gyve these [with] speede att the Cowrtt.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 12 Julij 1582 From master William Hearle.
Letter Text:

[fol. 124r] R honorable, I do send yow herewith a copye of the capitulacions of Owdenard, & a booke newlye ymprynted of lres intercepted, ytt may plese your honor to take theme in good part, as yow be wont to do./

On satterdaye our Camp removed from Gawnt towards Brugs (levyng first a garryson behynde theme) to joyne with the Rutters. The enmyes followed theme, to cutt bettwen theme & the other companyes, which wolld make us desolate, yf ani dyffeatt hapned to us./ In their marche from Brugs to Owdenbergh The Englyssh sowdyers mutyned & toke master Norrys & the Rest of the captaynes prisoner, pretendyng that they had Receved 3. moneths paye, & answerd theme butt hallf a moneth which forced the Cownt Rocheputt to marche with the Scotts & the frenche God knowes unwillenglye towards Donkirck, [ deleted: Butt the] which moved the Englyssh sowdyors yn respect of their honor, to appeyse them sellves, & to follow Rochepott with speede Butt the advertisment of this dissorder [ Marginalia (by Herle): comyng] hither, bred suche a care yn Monsieur as he deemed all to be Lost, yf these forcs sholld be thens separated from the rest yn suche a tyme of danger & servyce, & therfore dispatched pruneux Bonyvett & another yn dylygens to theme with his own lres, to admonyssh theme of their dutye, Butt they were yn good Termes & marched awaye beffore that Rochepott was gon far beffore theme./

The Rutters be bettwen the Contry of Oye & St omers, burning & spoyleng the whole Contrey [ Marginalia (by Herle): apperteyneng to the enmye] to the gates of St. Omers, yett kepyng theme sellves beyond the Ryver Ha styll. ytt is to be ferd lest that the enmye surprise theme beffore that our Companyes do arryve, & then be they all yn danger. for the sayd Enmye hath 56. cornetts of horsemen yn the fylld, & hath from Cortreck to St. Omers butt 7. leages, ytt is determyned here that when our Companyes be joyned together & may Retorne unbroken to Brugs. there to addresse our Camp, to kepe the Contry called the frye, & the rest of flanders that waye from the yncursyon of the Enmye. Allso it is determined that Monsieur & the ij pryncs of Orenge & Pynoys with the Estats generall, shall tomorow depart to flusshyng, & from thens ether by the Sluse or by Ardenburgh, to repair to Brugs, there to holld state, & to provyde for the affayres of the Camp, & for all that may occure, which is don to content this people, that ar without mesure moved agaynst the frenche for Owdenard & for the procedyngs [fol. 124v] of this tyme./ yf her majestie or the frenche K. do nott yn good ernest hellp with mony, & with the other forces promised spedylye, the K. of Sp: will make a grett hole into the Contry, & things will growe to extreme confusyon. The frenche K. hath assembled the grett persons of his Reallm to consullt how to procede yn this affayre, for thyngs may be no longer disgysed, but yesterdaye Monsieur Receved a lyttell Tyckett owtt of frawnce, by the which it was advertised that the K. his brother, was so syck as it was dowted whither he wolld recover or no, wherof som make constructyon that yf it prove so yn deede, he will from flusshing (where it is ment to sojowrne tll the camp be retorned to Brugys), departe into france to sett order yn his thyngs, which accydent of the frenche K. dethe (yf it happen) behoves her majestie to foresee the ynconvenyencs deppendyng therof before hand, I speke in dutye & zele, hopyng that your wisdom will pardon the same yn me./

On Sondaye I sawe lres from the frenche Lygyer in England, assuring Monsieur, that the Q. majestie was never so fervent in [ deleted: marriayge] desireng mariayge as now, havyng by othe assured the sayd Lygier, that in case the frenche K. wolld discharge her of these warres, she wolld Rowndlye [conclude] mariayge with Monsieur. which is Receved here as matter of yntertaynment [to] drawe theme further yn, & to free our sellves./

We loke for the d. of Areschott & his son the P. of Chymaye here furthwith understandyng that the sayd P. is becom a protestant, & hath Receved the comunyon att Sedan, butt that Race is very lyght./

The Scottissh Comissyoner is here as yett, & hath som pryvate delyng with Monsieur, which I shall shortlye lerne. He & George Hackett have byn yn hand for som munycyon & Armes, butt I se nott their credite nor purse answerable, I will observe whatt followes, assuryng your honor that the discontentment [ Marginalia (by Herle): of scottland] growes more & more, & dobignye urgeth it yncessentlye

The whole howse of Gwise is together in consulltacion in Normandye./

The Burgesses of Owdenard, dyd note their devoyr so well as the sowdyors [ Marginalia (by Herle): Lowghingham] for they were won to the enmye by practis, wherof Lochingam St. de Pamell that was within with theme, was the Awthor, nether was there so grett resistens made as Monsieur was infformed of, yn the order as I wrytt to your honor by the last poste./

They of Mallta have taken a very Riche englyssh shipp in her retorne from Constantinople. I wysshe that master Osburne & that Company wolld fere me well to sollicite in her majesties name the delyverye of the sayd shipp & goods. To which jorny I have good disposityon, or to do ani other servyce, that I were capable of./

[fol. 125r] wherwith very humbly I take mi leve for this tyme. Andwarpe the xijth of Julye. 1582 in haste haste./ Your honors yn all affectyon & humble dutye./ W. Herllely.

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