
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/257

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/15/93 f. 203r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable my very good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England gyve these with spede/
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 2. April. 1582 Master Herle to my L. from Bruges.
Letter Text:
[fol. 203r] Uppon satterdaye mi R. honorable L. passed throw this Town the englyssh poste, [ deleted: of whom] of whom I hard nott beffore yesternight, for that I was rydden into the contry to confferre with a Lord of these parts. The sayd post left worde that an ambassador of her majesties was arryved att donkerck who for lack of post horses, was constrayned to take Waggens, & so went a long by the sea syde to Sluse, & from thens to flusshyng so as I suppose that he was ether yesternight att andwerpe, or wilbe this daye. Master Secretorye Wallsynghams man Burnham was in his company./ yesterday passed by a frencheman to Andwarp on of 4. that waytes by [quarterayge] uppon Monsieur as captayn of 30. archers a horse back. I have ynclosed heryn a copye of the artycles exhibited to the states att Monseiurs generall proposytyon / Tomorow by Gods Leve I do yntend to ryde to Andwerpe, to the end I may be redy to do the best servyce I can to the personayge (whattsoever he be) that her majestie hath sent over, & so will I contynew yn the [ deleted: best degree of] dutye & dyligens that I am hable to yelld/ Trelong admirall of Zeland, & governor of Donkerck, gave x. [crowns] to on to bryng lres to Monsieur & the P. of Orenge, of the arryvall of her majesties ambassador, & to be there with them beffore his comyng, wherewith very humbly I fynisshe. Brugs. the ij ^d^ of Aprill. 1582./ Your L. most Bownden. W. Herlleli.
[Postscript:] The garrison of Cambraye & Cambresis to the nomber of 400. shott & 400. horse do keepe Lentz, to the seege wherof the P. of Parma is marched with his whole Camp./

Captayn Brave is among those Trowpes within the Towne./

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