
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/255

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/15/87 f. 191r - 192v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable mi verey good L. the Lord highe Thresuror England &c. gyve these with spede att the Cowrtt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 1 ^o^ April 1582. Master William Herle to my L. from Bruges.
Letter Text:
[fol. 191r] My dere & R. honorable good L. I do send your L. herynclosed, the copies of mi ij last lres written to the Erlle of Lecester verbatim./ Wheryn I do towche som part of scottissh affayres, for that I do understand that his L. is advertised by som other, of assmuche as I do signeffye in mi sayd lres./ Butt yf it may plese your L. to send me spedylye a Cipher, which shalbe peculyer only to her majestie & your sellf, I will under the sayd Cipher, advertys yow of a matter that consernes her majesties Crown & person, wherffore it may plese your L. with the diligens that is convenyent to send me the same, & I will discharge the part of a lovyng dutifull servant & subject, which I will seall with mi blood, Butt trulye there most be non more acqwainted with the sayd advertisments butt her majestie & your L. alonely. yff your L. have nott the booke of the pacifficatyon of Gawntt, I will send your L. on by the next poste, & will do her majestie suche ^further^ humble services in these Lowe contreys, as shall content her more, than she haplye might looke for att on of mi sort./

the posts of these .3. last weekes ar as yett uncom hither, by reson of the northest wynde, that hath blowen ^still^ agaynst theme./ And so verey humbly I take mi leve the first of Aprill att Brugs. 1582. Your L. most Bownden. W. Herlleli.

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