
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/253

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/15/74 f. 167r - 168v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable my verey synguler good Lord, the L. highe Thresuror of England &c. give these with spede att the Cowrtt. Cito ito ito./
Letter Text:
[fol. 167r] My dere & R. honorable good L. I have wrytten to yow sondrye lres synce mi arryvall on this syde, & will contynew the same effectually, prayng humblye the assistance of your good favor & that I may here that mi lres be com saffelye to your hands. Att this present I do send this berer mi servant of purpose to my L. of Lecester, with advertisments of ymportance, ynclosyng heryn the copye of eche thyng that I do wryte to mi sayd L. of Lecester [ Marginalia (by Herle): Verbatim, omitteng [noe] on syllable] assuryng mi sellf that mi dutye & care borne to her majesties servyce, will lyke your L. & that accordinglye ye wilbe plesed to advance my poore credite & employments theryn, for I am your creature & so yow shall ever prove me. And mi poore estate desyres som regarde to be had of me, when that I do stryve by myne own yndustrye & propper menes, to be doyng somwhatt that may exempt me from ydellnes, & expresse mi loyalltye to my soverayne [ Marginalia (by Herle): Lady & princesse ] [ Marginalia (by Herle): & to my] [ deleted: &] honorable Lords./ all which I do comend cheefflye to your wisdom, & to the naturall affectyon that ye bere to your howse of Tylleglace, wherof I am a poore Brawnch. ytt may plese your L. ^to^ give your cowntenance yn dispatchyng this berer my man assone as is possible, for it is necessarie to yntertayne now a contynuall yntellygens from hens. which I wolld speciallye desyre to be employed yn, yf I had her majesties cowntenance with ani allowance therunto, thowgh it were never so small. for I have no hellp butt myne owne. ytt may plese your L. further to remember whatt I wrytt to yow of the scottissh matters & to signeffye your mynde theryn. for it is a thyng onlye ymparted with your sellf, & as yett the scottissh Coronell is here./ Then towchyng powll Buys, asswell for the cawse that consernes Denmarck, as the provynces of holland, zeland, & other sea parts./

Lastlye I wolld humbly beseche your L. that yf mi man this berer do attend uppon yow for mi busynes, that ye will gyve hym favorable accesse vnto yow, & to vowchesave further to enclyne master Secretorye Wallsynghams fast fryndship unto me, who is angrye rather with mi necessyty, than with mi person, in that wade is not satisfyed att mi hands, Butt I strive to do it, & will procure to mi power his satisfactyon./ wherwith I humblye fynissh. your L. most bownden, W. Herlleli. Andwerpe. the 21. of marche. 1581. in haste./

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