
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/246

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Editorial comments:
SP 83/15/46 f. 108r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. This letter is slightly eroded at two points on the right hand edge. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable my verey good L. the Lorde highe Thresuror of England./ &c.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 6. Martij. 1581. William Herle to my L. from Anwerpe.
Letter Text:
[fol. 108r] Your L. shall have the joyows entrye yn frenche, that monsieur was sworne unto att his comyng ynto the Town, butt yn the mene tyme, yow have on of your own that I presented your L. in folio & yn written hand, with a translatyon of myne yn the margent owtt of dutche & latten of mi procurement among the things I exhibyted to yow of the state of holland./ lett me humblye pray your L. favor even for the honor that is yn yow. to joyne with mi L. of Lecester to make an end with Master Wade, [and enclyne] master Secretory to ayde theryn, that mi poore suretyes [ ... ] & Respected. yf your L. will vowchesave to send for master [Osburne &] master fanshaw unto yow they ar to Receve on Cli which the sayd wade is to have of me. Then mi brother Johnson hath a Bond of Wades brother, [ deleted: which] of X.li lent unto hym by me, which uppon the Accorde shalbe delyverd to the sayd Wade, & that makes 110li/ mi L. of Lecester hath promised to sett hym contented of his own liberalitye, 40.li which ones dispatched, mi conscyens & credite were Releved of a grett Burden, & I sholld pray to God for your L. charytye on this behallf duryng lyfe./ On word of master Secretoryes may end it, & theryn ^to^ do a good torne allso to the sayd Wade./ I dare nott write to master Secretorye, beffore that matter be ended, wheryn Good mi L. make him mi frynd, & I will do hym ani acceptable servyce I am hable yn lyew therof./ otherwise I shalbe forced to be a Banisshed man owtt of myne own contry./

yf further her majestie wolld vowchesave to contrybute ani parte [ deleted: of contribucyon] towards mi chargs, ether openlye or secrettlye, I wolld deserve ytt yn that sorte that her majestie sholld fynde her sellf grettlye satisfyed many wayes./ Your L. lres of favor & comendacyon to the Prynce & to St. Alldegond, wolld encrese mi credite & the mene [of] servyce. The next dyett of the Empire is worthye the [observing] wherunto I offer mi sellf humblye to do all the offyces that shalbe [ ... ] yf master Secretorye were well ynclyned to me, which is only hyndred by this matter & differencs of myne with Wade his comendatorye lres wolld avayll me muche. & he sholld fynde that he were nott unserved by me agayn, reservyng still your L. for mi principall patron & dyrector./ Spede & dispatche in mi poore cawses, is a dooble beneffyte, which most humblye I comend unto your L. / & so I fynissh. Andwerpe. vj ^o^ martij. 1581. . Your L. most Bownden to obey yow./ W. H.

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