
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/238

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Editorial comments:
SP 70/137/ [58] f. 255r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable my very good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England &c give these with spede./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 24. mart. 1575. William Herle to my L. Paul Buys redy to depart.
Letter Text:
[fol. 255r] Yf your L. have consydred of the lre that I sent yow yesterdaye, & of the reqwest that Powll Buys made unto your L: I wolld be bolld to crave your L. answer, the which the sayd Buys doth allso attend according to your L. convenyencye, being redy to depart, yf he had prepared suche shipping as is mete for him, which he is in hand to [ deleted: give] provyde, & shall obtayne it very shortly./

On wensday att evenyng there went owtt of donkerck haven the shippe called the hownde, ij grett hulles with viij peces of brasse ordynance of a syde, ij gallyes, & xvij flye botes well apparelled for the warres, which ij Hulles ar laden with corne & vyttayll, & the rest of the shippeng have allso more than their ordynarye vyttaylleng, which is for to vyttayll theme beffore zuryck sea, & fyrst to transport Champignye over./ The Ile called the Clonder over agaynst zuryck sea is taken by the prynce, wherby the assegers of zuryck sea ar browght in danger of famysshment, & will make theme leve the enterprise of zuryck sea, (which now is newly vyttayled) for ^otherwyse^ it wilbe costly to vyttayll the [ deleted: me] ^sayd assegers^ still with the hasard & expence of a whole navye./ The duke of Arescott will nott take the charge of the governement uppon him. The Spanyards stele awaye bothe by Calyce & by Kempen into frawnce. A mutynye of the spanyards hath byn repressed att [ deleted: deepe] Brusselles. Champignye hopes to take [ deleted: his] shippeng this night att dover./ I have grett things to revele to your L butt they may be dangerows to the reveler & yett is as dangerows to this whole estate./ wanton wolld waytt uppon your L. in the mornyng yf it be your L. plesure, & is redy so ye canott dele with hym for the Brokeraige (for that the same is nott so fully sett down in your booke as ytt might have byn) to go throw with your L. for the exchange, & to give yow assmuche or more than ani other shall do, byllding uppon your L. word therin, seing it hath plesed yow to procede so far with hym, desyreng to know whither it may lyke yow that he shalbe with yow in the morning or no. & so I humbly fynisshe the 24. of marche. 1575. your L. most humbly. Wm Herlle. [ deleted: Wm Herlle]

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