
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/237

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Editorial comments:
SP 70/137/ [56] f. 249r - 250v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi very good L. the Lord [Hig] he Thresuror &c. give [these] with spede./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 23. Mart. 1575 William Herle to my L. hir majesties Answer to the Hollanders by letter./
Letter Text:
[fol. 249r] Beholding in your lre of yesternight, mi right honorable good L. with grett sorow of mynde, the answer which your L. was most sory to write, to these pore Hollanders, I was the lother to impart yt with theme to encrese greeff, yll newes coming to sone./

Butt to prevent me, they were here betymes this mornyng, to whom then I declared the effect of your sayd lre, & the zele that it was accompanyed with, which certainly dyd muche comfort & satisfye theme bothe (nottwithstanding the successe that answered nott to their good menyng towards this Crowne) to se your L. so nobly affected towards theme, & to dele so playnly & zelowsly with theme, whose Comendatyon & memory (they proffessed) shold never perish with theme./ ytt served lykwise very well to qwallefye the poore men, who were in a marvaylows passion, for the answer that they had Receved in writeng before thay cam to be from her majestie wherin besyde that she had expressly denyed them, ether her ayde or releeff, she had threttned them further (a se resentire) if they sholld joyne with ani other, which they lest expected at her majesties hands they sayd, whom they had allwayes accompted graciows & no Tirant, & therfore had addressed them selves to her above all other, & of whom they had deserved well (if ani thing owght to be well taken & thanckfully) in presentyng to her them selves & all that they had; unworthy then this uncerteis delyng & rejectyon, & very hard if they being fre men, sholld be forbydden to seke ayde to preserve their owne lyves, unles they sholld offend her that made non accompte of theme, which was to bring them by despayre to fere no evill, that cowd nott hope for ani good./ Ytt had suffised they sayd, without this aggravatyon, that they had consumed here somuche tyme, somani occasions, & spent grett somes that might have bin better employed, whyles they being perswaded to com over by her majesties own messenger, & attending the performans of her own promis; yett satisfyed in nothing, butt most depart without thancks, yet threttned allso if they ^do^ [ deleted: dyd] not volontarily yelld their own throttes to be cutt, att the arbitrement of others./ Butt your L. lre dyd grettly appeise them, & I added that her majesties answer by writeng, was butt a maner of Connivencye which was necessary for this season, & the actyons that her majestie had in hand [fol. 249v] to be so used, namely seing they so desired it, & had it uppon their desire openly in writeng, that it cowd nott well be otherwise, which served then bothe to satisfye Champigny, for the owttward shew verey well, & to helpe them the better in secrett, when the occasyon were offred to her majestie which confirmed som oppinyon in them./

Uppon this Pawll Buis, taking me a syde, tolld me that he had a small sute to make unto her majestie by your L. if yow wolld not thinck muche to be the mene for it, which otherwise he wolld forbere, & that was for a good turne to be don to his Contrey, who next unto money had necessity of no on thing more, than of som english clothes & cariseyes for their sowdyors & peopell, of the which a merchawnt their frynd here, to whom they ar indetted somwhatt, wolld furnish them to the nomber of 2000. clothes & kariseyes secrettly, & Receve other comodityes of theirs, in exchange of theme: The said Pawll Buis desireng in Consideratyon of the ^place &^ use that the sayd clothes ar to serve for, & of hym that intreats for theme, that he might have them Custom fre, according to the forme conteyned in this parchement annexed, which is redy for her majesties signature if she vowchesave somuche good towards theme to grawnt it,/ And the partyes he sayeth, that be mencyoned in the sayd parchement, be one that may Receve the grawnt without suspicion that it towcheth ether hym or his Contrey: which favor bothe he & his Contrey shall so deserve towards your L. in partycler, as shall well content yow./ Confessing to me that this jorney will cost theme on way & another 3000.li having entertayned master Hastings in Holland (which he uttred nott he sayd, to upbrayd ani matter therof) with a Table for xviij persons full furnished contynually, defrayeng all his other costs besyde whyle he was in the Contrey, (which in dede in Holland is verey chargeable) presentyng hym with a cheyne of vj C [crowns] & appoynteng ij men of warre to bring hym over which they intertayned here a grett while./ Likewise to Rogers & to all those that cam from her majestie they had bin bowntifull & Loving marvayleng whence then these unkynde & hard delyngs here, towards theme, sholld be so provoked, & her majesties hard grace somuche procured against theme: which I tolld hym surely pro [fol. 250r] ceded of Champignyes negociation, who was a conyng & a diligent fellow, & was partly to be plesed for som owttward cawse, which was as your L. sayd, weker than the inward, & there I qwietted hym agayn./ Then speking of newes of the K. of Spaignes dethe, he was not sure of it he sayd: Butt for the peace in frawnce he persisted in his oppinion, that it was throwly concluded, & that her majestie was abused by those that wolld perswade her otherwise, & master Horsey sholld be most abused of all, with woords & fyctyons, wheruppon we ended, & so I humbly take mi leve from Redcrosse strete the 23. of marche. 1575./ your L. most humblye./ W. Herlleli.

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