
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/231

Catalogue entry

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Editorial comments:
SP 70/14/73 f. 144r - 145v. The endorsement suggests that this document is a summary of information from Herle's recent letters. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] In Herles Lres the xxviij ^th^ of may 1560
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] That his service may
Letter Text:

[fol. 144r] He looketh for intelligence fromhence, whither (if the former Contracte take no place) he shall procede further with the nobylite there, accordinge to the condicons and tyme described or other wise restraigne and holie forbere/

Because his Master still not marvell of his Longe stay there, he hath certefyed him that he is holie occupied in besynes of his, whiche serveth well to shadow any doings to be comytted to his chardge there &c./

That his service may be aptlie aplied, for the vieu of the Kinge of Denmarks Corte, and affayres and of the Lande of holste, havinge sufficient meanes to obteyne intelligence of any thinge don there./

He dare undertake to dyscover all the doings of importance in Hamborow, alledging them to be worthe understanding aswell for the nature of the place bordering upon manye terittierys and joyned to so manye grete cyties of germany, as also for the secrete practises comonly driven in that towne/

For the better accomplishement whereof as it is necessarie for him to insynuate himsell into the favor of the Principalls, So by their arguments he thinketh it easye, that is to saye, The trade of marchaundies whiche he followeth/ Thobservacon and feadinge of theire humor and inclynacon, The keepinge them company When they lie Dronke, And Lastlye at some tymes to use Liberalitie towards the Secretoryes/

He desireth that if within vj weeks after the date of his lre, he have no intelligencs fromhence he may thence returne home agayn, takinge the Lack of answer for a consent /

[fol. 144v] He advertizeth that a certene fellowship of Lubicke marchaunts have prefered to serve the Q. majestie yerely at hamborow of suche nombre of cables as her highnes. shall need, and as good as anye made at Daniske or ellswhere and better chepe then they of Daniske by xs flemyshe in everi [shippound] whiche conteyneth C od. of our grosse weight the which bargayn he thinketh comodiouse for the revenues of the voyage and advoydeng the bondage of the Kinge of Denmarcke strayttly for the performaunce whereof they wilbe bounden And will deliver the Cables tarred or Rawe or in yarne

And then her Majesties Agent for these parts may provide Store of all kynde of [invuycons] and specially of salte peter Longe curryours and shorte Saddell pecs and suche other provision as is had oute of germany, shippeng some from hamborow, and som from Breame/

That one Uxell a coronell was slayne the 18 ^th^ of may in Westphalia by the kinge of Denmarks awayte

That this Uxell was confederate with Frederike Spitts and had perswaded the Ditmarshes to newe rebellion and allso, turned other Prynces against Denmarke/

At his death many lres were founde about him, which discovered many practizes, wherein the Switzer, with divers other princs as Locren with the Countie Palatyn was founde a grete doer./

Uxells comission declared him to have credite to levy 5000. Swart Rutters and the talke was under the Q. Majesties name and that an englishe comissarie was among the confederats

[fol. 145r] That the Kinge of Denmarke prepareth certen ships to come into England, but because the nombre is more and the furnyture of Launce knights, Rutters and munycon greter then seames to lende to any peceable practize yt is thought to be but a color and ment to the Weste germayn seae withoute the 'belts.

That the proporcon is made for 24. talle ships of war

Albeit in Germani they seame (after the Disclosed conspyracie against the King of Denmarke) to inclyne to no greter mocon, yet the men of warr (being every where still) Do moche Desire yt and counceave some hope thereof (in that the Duke of Brunswike hath caused newlie to be made within his castel of [Wolfesbetell] .35. newe footmens ensignes

That a disputacon was instituted at breame against Albert hardenberghe called a Sacramentary but Defered till more convenyent tyme and place by reason of the inequalitie &ch.

Melancton dead And Joannhes Alusco lately dedd/

Westphalius of hamborow never sesseth in open pulpitt to rayle upon England not spareng the cheefest magistrates and is still permitted with oute checke Whiche he saith declareth the men of that towne, to be moche unworthie to have any of the privilegs in England &ch.

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