
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/229

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Editorial comments:
SP 70/11/ [316] f. 63r - v. William Herle to Sir William Cecil. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable Sir William Cecill Knight & Principall Secretorye to the Quenes [Hig] hnes be this delivered/
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] xiiij ^th^ of february. 1559. William Erle to master Secreatary.
Letter Text:
[fol. 63v] Right honorable after mi lres addressed from Dunkerk, these be the next dated at Anwarp the self same tyme of mi coming thither. No dout great assemblyes be made at HoseLunen in Westphalia of noble men & Coronelles. yt is a place as your honor knowes, scytuate so trymlye for the calling together bothe of horsemen & footemen, as none is more propice for the turne: besyde that it is in the waye to understand owt of all Germany with a trice, & lyke wise owt of these parts with the lyke spede. As the matter is dangerows so your wisdoms ayde is requisite in so busye a worlde. A new broyle ariseth now for the crowne of Polonia their king being newly decessed, which I wold were hable to dyvert all brunts from us, as it lyeth muche in your honor. Sir having [ deleted: all] wayed all things in frederick Spitts & his compani, who cam over with me, they seme mani wayes suspect of dooble deling, but lett not these things move your honor, to conceve ani oppinion of presumption in me, for the good zele to serve mi charge under your mastership, [ deleted: doth] bothe faythfully & dilygentlye, wherof uppon further [ground] I will advertys more largelye, entending to departe from hence with the first opportunitye, desireng God withall to preserve your honor in perpectuall felycytye & me in your good favor. from Anwerpe the 14. of februarye a ^o^ 1559. Your honors most affectionate servitor W. Herlleli.

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