
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/226

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Editorial comments:
SP 53/6/51 f. 87r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. This manuscript is eroded along the fold marks and at the edges. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi good Lord, the Lord of Burghley, her Majesties principall secretory give these with all spede/ Cito ito ito.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 27 Aprill. 1571 William Herle
Letter Text:
[fol. 87r] I hope mi Lord that these things will procede well, for yesterday I writt to the B. enclosing Chalres cipher all to torne in the same, & this mornyng he receved [ deleted: the same] them, making grett [ deleted: nisenes] ^nicenes^ to answer me, butt in the end he hath written with his own hand as ye may se herin, & I presently sending another lre, do attend for his repplye wherby your L. shall perceve how far he deles with me, & where he may hallt with yow & the Cowncell for bi this present yow have the copy of all thyngs passed bettwen us, desirows to know your L. ^likeng^ as I go forward, & to be holpen & amended, where the same may seme necessary.

The Irishe B. wold fayne go into the Comune gaole, pretending som want of money as this berer can tell yow (& yett I am privey to xxs. he hath in his purse) butt your L. most se to that, ether in taking order with the keper or removing hym to the Towre, for otherwise grett matter wilbe discoverd. likewise there is on Dethick a [verey ranck & busy Papiste] , is contynually conferring with [mackinson] the scott & sending abrode, so as for example sake ether by words or workes, he is to be restrayned, for he blusters owt whattsoever he thynckes, & carpes a verey ill mynde to the state. I toke a pere of shackelles on yesterday of purpose, whyles I went into the gardeyn, & that hath astonied the scott & all those of the howse mervaylously. The scott told John pole in secret that Charles had .3. or iiij ciphers by rote, & on principle he used to kepe no wrytengs by hym, so as he fered no interceptyon ether of lres abowtt hym, or of ani discovery of his alphabett, which rather was in hys hed than in ani paper, which partly might appere in that he was serched att Dover & the same nott fownd, butt yett it may plese your L. to serche his cap well, & that I may know (yf your L. so vowchesaffe) whatt writengs were fownd abowtt hym. I have no money, nether to feede mi [man nor to sende hym] to & from the B. muche les to use in other necessary parts appertayneng [to this service,] having sent your L. yesterday in the bondell [ deleted: that I sent by] master Tremayne & master [Wynneback] ^had^ , a recknyng how the latter 5li. was bestowed, wherof there is som surplasaige comyng to me. Thus humbly taking mi leve. from Close prison the 27. of aprill. 1571. Your L. most humbly. W. Herllely.

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