
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/216

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/149/70 f. 161r - v. William Herle to Sir Philip Sidney. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right worshipfull in all vertew & Lynayge master Phillip Sydney/
[Endorsement by Herle:] Samuell Bigges 1581
Letter Text:
[fol. 161r] Sir I do humblie advertys yow, that wheras on Samuell biggs was adjudged to dye for piracye on monday last, whose lyffe I saved at another tyme, & nowe being in the same danger agayne, I yelded so far furthe to the Pittiffull Teres of his awncyent mother, as I moved Don John Rodriges de Soya on his behallf to gett him reprieved at this Instant, who using your verteowes and favourable medyatyon therin, the same is by your goodnes graunted that was sued for, I beyng the meane time in the Contrey about som busynes. But at mi retorne I finde, that this Reprieve is not ascribed to the said Don John Rodriges de Soyas travaille by yow, but to som others that takes the Credyte of yt, upon theme from yow, contrarie to your yntentyon, besyde that it is reported that I Receved 20li. beffore hand to gett the same prisoner Reprieved. Trulye Sir if I had don so, I had well deserved a treble coward at this parties hands, and the same might have bin well borne with in Cowrt in greatter parsones than mi self, to have Receved beneffyte for beneffite while the good followes that was loked for. But nether for this, nor for any beneffyte, charge or travaille paste, did I or myne Receve or procure the valew of on shilling of the fellowe, onlye one pece of gould inclosed ij yeres paste in a lre he sent me, for a token when he had 800 peces of golld in his purse more, and I am further bownd for his good behavyour in a Cli./ Yt may plese yow to judge of the truthe of the matter, and of the malyce herein of som, that sekes Credite by depraving of others. Betwene ignorance and malice this report is growen and encresed of me, to the on sort I wishe more knowlege of the truthe, & against the other mi Conscyens deffends me sufficiently in the Integritie wherof I do faythfully Comend my dutye and servyce unto yow, with most humble thancks for the goodnes & charytye that yow have used to the poore man, prayeng yow even by the degree of vertew (wherwith yow to holld me in your oppinion as yow shall finde me in actyon & sinceritye to deserve the same, And so do I humblye finishe. Lambhith the 14. of Julye. 1581. Your humble & assured to be Comanded. W. Herllely.

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