
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/215

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/210/4 f. 7r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. H. mi verey good Lord [the] Lord highe Thresuror of [En] gland &c. gyve these./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 3. maij. 1588. Master William Herle to my L./
Letter Text:
[fol. 7r] I have bin of late R. h. Lord, at dethes dore, escaping the going in very narowly, butt God in the myddest of mi greves & angwisshes, doth still releve & delyver me, & addresseth me to your L. that now att lengthe ye might be plesed, to have som compassyon for mi dispatche with her majestie. And albeit, that men of highe calling & wellthe, have nott inward feelyng, to mesure poore mens estates & miseryes accordynglye, yett I do somuche affye in your L. vertew & honorable woorde (which never faylled any) that ye will do me good, or elles procure her majesties speedy graciows Testimony & leve for mi departure, otherwise I most be comitted here presently for dett, & becom a spectacle of inhumanitye, having deserved better & Receved yll./ There is a God that beholldeth & censureth all things, otherwise unkyndenes & greeff, had long synce kylled me: I speke it to your L. as to a Cowncellor, that doth highe regarde her majesties Honor & Conscyens, with the merite of the menest servant she hath, wherin I crave very humbly to be respected with eqwitye, that the same which is, Regium, in her majestie be nott stayned with mi lyveng dethe & dyeng lyfe, nott beyng perfomed with as all others ar, nor can have that, which is propperly disbursed by me in her publyck services: Having Receved somani former gracious assurances from her, that as she was a Qweene &c. I sholld be largely consydred, & lykewise prefferred for mi service. Butt her good menyng & promises I perceve, have byn still wrested from me, & bestowed att th'appetite of others, ether uppon their own servants or frynds, which is mi corrosyve & want, & a wrong to her Estate & kyngly woord./ Yf He that forgave mi synes, most paye mi detts, I humbly refferre it to his devyne goodnes & dispensation, that sees the cleerenes & grownd of mi conscyens on that behallf, byddyng the worlld A diew. wherwith comendyng me & mi wretched state to your L. charitable consyderacion, favor, & answer, I take mi leve. Temple Barre the third of maye. 1588. your L. most humbly Bownden W. Herllely.

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