
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/206

Catalogue entry

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/181/56.1f. 192r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by Herle:] Copi of mi lre wrytten to master Secretory the 20. of Awgust. 1585./
Letter Text:
[fol. 192r] There is a gentleman my freind, of som judgement, that is com yesternight out of Antwerp hither, through the enemies Camp, where he remained three daies, and so through the upper parte of flanders to Callis, having bin this morning with me, before his departure to the Erle of Leicester, Reporting the Towne of Antwerp to be in the enemies handes, and what the conditions of their agreement were, and that the regiment of Arrenbergh, which consistes of two thowsand footemen, and six C horse should be the garrison of the Towne without ^Citadell^ , who might intromitt afterwardes as manie as they would, The architector and author of this deliverie, and the labourer of it in particuler to the Cownsell and burgesses of Antwerp, was only St Alldegond, who now possesseth more the pr: of Parmaes eare than ever he did his late masters, having assured him that he hath meanes and instrumentes promptly to bring the rest into his hand. But that which is neerest the dainger, and the secrett that I would deliver yor honor, how a bargaine is a dryveng with som of the Captaines of Sluse, that yf it be not provyded for with all diligence, the Towne wilbe gon within lesse than fouretene daies by sale, and what inconvenience the same will bring I leave to your wisdom to judge, And albeit I dare assure yow of the governors fidelitie, that he is a trew assured gentillman, for I throughly know the partie, yet his garrison hunting after pray and paie (he ignorant of the practises) will over rule, when it comes to that pointe, though he maie kepe the Castle, yet neither the said Castle nor the haven is free, the Towne being possest by the enemie within his owne Continent.

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