
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/202

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/181/32 f. 133r - 134v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable my verey good Lord, the L. highe Thresuror of England &c. gyve these / att the Cowrtt./
[Endorsement by Burghley:] xj. Aug. 1585 William Herle.
Letter Text:

[fol. 133r] R. honorable L. I have on sonday Receved your lre of the vj ^th^ of this present, & with the same a warrant for a Buck, to be had owtt of puttney parck: for which I thanck your L. humbly ye humbly agayne, beyng Ryd owtt of a dett of credite therby./

The lre mi L. that I signeffyed to be sent yow by the Allmaigne on satterdaye was senyght, I mistoke it: for he cam nott to the Cowrtt, before the monday following, the lre beryng date the same satterday last of July: which I hope was saffely delyverd to your L. hands./

I have answerd the sayd Allmaigne, & his master in forme, as her majestie hath prescribed, & so written in the favor of him to Seguris, as he shalbe intertayned with a pensyon of the K. of Navernes, to be redy to serve when the occasyon shall Reqwire./ Only I wisshe that the poore servant had a 20. Angelles given towards his chargs, for he is in necessity, & made me asshamed, in sekyng to borrow of me, & I nott hable to answer his Reqwest. Yf I durst, I wolld humbly move your L. to shew her majestie of ytt./

I perceve that your L. hath me still in mynde with her majestie: & that I shall here shortly more, as ye do vowchesave to write, which God will nott forgett, nor mi duty be slack to acknowlege it./

I have synce the Receytt of your L. of the 29. of Julye, entred into a sea of scottissh cawses, & do partyculerly perceve that your L. hath nott only byn yll dellt with towards the .K. & those that possesse his eare: Butt the cowrse is contynewed in Lewd sort, & worse Termes: ascribeng secrett dooblenes, desgiseng & changeablenes unto yow, as a peculyer habite: which is easely repayred to their condempnacion, yf ye plese to use the menes, that your wisdom & [ Marginalia (by unknown hand - Burghley?): [manicule] ] your frynds have, & to dele Rowndly therin, without callyng ether matter or party att all to Qwestyon./

Uppon the newes of the Losse of Andwarp, the Rayge of men was so grett agaynst your L. as it exceded bothe mesure & modestye, exclamyng openly & every where: Thatt your honor & your Temporizeng sowght to starve all men: To call in the Enmye of Spayne even to Billengsgate (who was att hand [fol. 133v] having Andwerpe in his possessyon: And to charge the Government & State wholly: Rejoyseng in these poore menes calamities of the Lowe Contreyes, & their Ruyne, whom your L. [ deleted: had] only had intertayned somani monethes here, with fayre semblans & with cracked promises & assurances, without end or any syncerity ment, to the dishonor of her majestie./

Thatt England was becom Regnum Cecilianum, your Bylldengs ynfinite, & eqwall to Kings Palacs: And owr Cowncellors yf they were ani thing, [ deleted: sholld] ^or^ wolld obtayne ani thing, must addresse theme sellves as Precarios to yow only./

Your L. son, to favor the Rebellyows howse of northomberland, even more than his Soveraigne or Contry: & wholly occupyed in purchasses, som of 30. m li: som of 18. m li. att a Tyme: Besyde daylye gettyng of land to his hands, by many Instruments & by playn Incrochements uppon the Q. & the Comunes./

Lastly that your L. hath sondry Intelligencers abrode, to sownd men & cawses: Among whom presently master Henry Killegrew is on, hawnting the Burse & Powlles, & offryng him sellf to every persons Bosom./

To conclude: This Raige or fury (or whatt shall I Terme it frensye) was nott among theme, without bytter voyces of execration: Butt I marvayll of som, that I noted of this company, whom I thowght that Reson wolld have better brydeled, & that they wolld never so far have exceded, the Bownds of sobryety & dutye./

These woords R. honorable L. though they be byteng & most sharp, yett in my humble duty towards yow I thinck theme fytt to be Reveled, without conselement of ani parte (rather than smoothed up to nourish inconvenyence) that therby your L. may understand the uttermost of the venyme & malyce of your Adversaries, & of the Braynsyck men, devised agaynst yow, matter of precipitacion & smoke, & wholly grownded uppon untruthes & sedicion./

There is mi L. a poore frynd of myne an Italyen, Acerbo Vellutelliz, decayed cheeffly by unkynde nevewes, that have [fol. 134r] Robbed him (he reposing to muche in theme, as his factors & Cassiers) & they now verey hardly will be browght to accompte with him, butt by master Secretoryes Awthority interposed bettwen theme: In which Accomptes passyng, vellutelli fyndes grett disceytt [ Marginalia (by Herle): conselement] & Error for whom I pray your L. that ye will vouchesave to write to the Customers owttwardes & inwards, that from the yere of 1566. to 1575. he may have leve to vyew the custom Bookes, by the ayde of the officers. whatt his sayd nevewes may have charged hym, owttward or inward, to the prejudice of his Accompte: which beyng a Resonable & juste petycyon, I recommend it allso, by mi intercessyon to your L. favor, wherewith I humbly take mi leve, the xj ^th^ of Awgust. at highams howse by Temple Bar. 1585. your L. most humbly devoted. W. Herllely.

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