
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/192

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/180/33 f. 74r - 75v. Lord Burghley to William Herle. Burghley overlines the date after his subscription. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To my loving frend william Herle. in the strond
[Endorsement by Herle?:] 85./
Letter Text:

[fol. 74r] I hartely thank yow for your lre containing a very sensible discours of the treasons that necessarely ought to induce or rather to hasten hir Majesty to yeld succors to all hir frends and neighbors distressed whose causes ar so joyned with hir own, in respect of the Comen enemy, as no distynction can sever them, nether can any witt, conceave ther dangers to follow, but that ours must follow concomitanter. and to saye the truth, the Conen enemy hath a more ardent malyce ageynst England, than ageynst the other, but they lye in his waye, and he can not leape over them to assayle us.

How so ever the discoursers abrod do Imagyn of our actions I know no on Counsellor that sheweth any contrary opinion, but yet some ar more ernest than an other. but this I dare avow, without flatteryng of my self. no on doth use more arguments of weight than I do. it may be that others may spek with gretar words than I, but I am suer hir Majesty thynketh my speches to have as gret force as any and so many tymes she yeldeth as overcome with argument, but yett, that which is natturall to hir sex, hyndreth resolution. I hope tyme will gayn that which is necessary.Corda regum ar in manu dei.

I thank yow for that yow advertise that some thought me a Counsellor to the prorogacyon of the parlement. wherof I was no more privi to the Content nor to the act, than yow wer. I was at my howss at Thebalds preparyng for hir Majesty, both the daye before it was done and whan it was [fol. 74v] doone. And the first tyme I hard of it, was by my L. of Leesters report when the Q. cam to my houss, who told me that hir Majesty had signed the warrant the same morning and that my L. Chancellor had it of hir wherwith as I semed very sorry so was his Lordsh. / and this is the very truth of my knolledg herin./ And therfor it is but mallyce that hath forged this ly of me. And who so ever reporteth it, ar ignorant of the truth and therfore do me wrong to report by way of blamyng of me./ but I have vindictad to hym that sayd / mitri vindicta et ego retribua./

I thank yow for impartyng to me that of R. C. it may be some part therof is trew. but the reportar therof is not be creditted, for some mallyce born to R. C., who did misuse R. C. very evill in the presence chambre. and so acknolledged his fault, and made means to pacefy my offence. which was easely doone. for I lyke not to deale with Childrens quarrells./

Nevertheless I will harken more to that which, percase may be closely kept from me. being much otherwise perswaded of hym. and yet, I may be deceaved. I am weary of wrytyng 18. Julij 1585 Your lov. frend assuredly W. Burghley

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