
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/186

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/194/60 f. 130r - 131v. Thomas Danett to William Davison. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right Honorable Master William Davison Esquiere one of the Principall Secretaries to her Majestie.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] master Thomas danet 25 Octobris 158 [6]
Letter Text:
[fol. 130r] Sir uppon Sondaie night beinge at my .L. Threasurors loginge at windesore, I mett with Master Robert Cecill, whoe toulde me that he thought he shoulde neither doe yowe nor me pleasure, in this cause of the clarkeshipp of the Councell. because he thought it woulde be bestowed uppon Herle with manie other wordes to longe to troble your honor with which caused me to be of oppinion that either my .L. his father hadd a propos to place Herle, or that he made the matter the more difficulte to the eande his travaile mought seeme the greater / I acquainted forthwith master Woolley with this encounter, whoe assured me that he woulde forthwith doe somewhat in it, & I have written to him sithens but what he hathe done I knowe not. I hadd thatt daie bene with master vicechamberlaine to give him thankes, & withall to crave his good assistance, consideringe that my name is caried farther than I either thought it coulde uppon suche uncertainties, or is [convenient] that it shoulde for my pore credit, if it shalbe my misfortune to receive a foile by meanes of Herle. I founde him disposed towardes me as I have ever, & soe I am sewer he will continewe still. What answer my .L. Threasuror. gave yowe & Master Woolley I knowe not, but I ever understode it to be verie good. & I shoulde thinke my self a verie unhappie man if his .L. that ^hathe^ ever holpen me whansoever I have prayed his ayde, shoulde stoppe me in this cause whearein I most neede his healpe. Whearefore Sir if it maye please yowe (consideringe that after a sorte yowe have made my cause your owne) either by your self or joyned with master Woolley to sounde my .L. againe, it woulde sone be seene which waye he dothe encline & wheare his favoure shalbe bestowed. I am the boulder Sir to presse yowe this farre because of the curtesies that I have alreadie receaved at your handes: & for that it woulde not alitle greeve me the matter havinge ^beene^ travailed in this farre by my frendes & proceedinge first from her Majestie her self: that I shoulde nowe be foiled especiallie by suche a partie. but Sir I forgett my self to troble yowe with soe manie wordes. Sir the daie of the paiement of your monie draweth neere & thoughe I greatlie doubt not the havinge of it readie at the daye, yet Sir I thought to crave pardon afore hande if it happen not to be readie at the verie daye, but I trust yowe shall not faile of it than. Thus Sir recomendinge my pore service unto yowe & my sute (for I must nowe terme it) to your honors good devotion I most humblie take my leave. from my pore house the 25 ^th^ octobris 1586. your honors most humble & obedient Tho. Danett.

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