
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/181

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/150/15 f. 27r - 28v. William Herle to R Huddilston. A modern reader has underlined certain words throughout this letter in pencil. 
Address Leaf:
[Endorsement by Herle:] To master R. Huddilston certayn occurents
Letter Text:

[fol. 27r] My dere & approved frynd master Huddilston, yow ar att to grett chargs, with mi footeman, wherby ye made hym presumpteows; & do your sellf wrong./ Sir. the booke ye writt unto me for, called Le secrett des finances de france, I have, & conteynes grett matter in ytt, & so rare for the habilitye to discover somuch as the sayd booke dothe, & for the secrett of secretts that the same doth penetrate ynto, as I most conffesse never to have sene the lyke./ yow shall have it according to your own reqwest, & I will mi sellf God willeng bryng the same to yow beffore xiiij dayes be com about att the uttermost./ prayeng yow that ye will cawse mi greye gelldyng to be taken up by your horseman into the stable, with consyderatyon had to his wynde (which is broken) uppon his new comyng from gresse. I shall on daye be hable to make yow som amends (butt nott in haste) for all the fryndships & beneffites that I have Receved of yow, butt a thanckfull mynde shall supplye the insufficyencye of the rest./

Master Secretorye Wallsingham retorned to the Cowrtt on thursday night last, his negociatyon is kept very secrett, yett this muche is it lawfull for yow to knowe. Thatt the mariayge by his Comissyon was clerly renownced, butt the Q. mother will nott take that answer, who spekyng yn the person of her son, dothe utter suche abowndance of vehement love borne to her majestie & to her vertewes [ deleted: here] , as settyng a syde the respecte of Kyngdom, wellthe, & power, ytt is only her sellf that he sekes, & that so symple as he beholldes non other condicyon, nor regards ani, butt the maryayge with her person without other prefferment, & therfore hath desired the K. his brother, that no nerer leage may be establysshed bettwen france & England than is, without the conjunctyon beffore sayd ^of mariayge^ be establysshed therwith, To which effect he will com over hym sellf ^he sayth^ to take her majesties answer affyeng hym in her majesties goodnes, & his meryte, that he shall nott retorne, without the successe that he lokes for./ which is the whole substance of that which is negociated theryn, And as master Wallsyngham sayeth to his frynds, [ deleted: that thowgh] thyngs be nott better than they were, by his goyng over yett ar they nott in worse Termes than they were./

The Q. majestie is att nonsuche. The Erlle of Lecester att [ deleted: Thiballtes] Kyllingworthe, the L. Thresuror att Thiballtes, the L. Admirall att his howse in Surrey, & the Secretorye att Barne ellmes, wherbye the Cowrt is very small./ marche monte is lodged in the banckettyng [fol. 27v] howse, & the gardens & by wayes towards the sayd Bancketting howse ar shutt up from ani accesse unto there, wheruppon is conjectured that monsieur is loked for there, within these 4 or 6 dayes att the furthest, whose comyng yf it be pryvate, as it was the last tyme, then this mariayge will resollve ynto a mony matter, otherwise yf he com with the State appertayneng to his person, & publycklye, the oppynion of the wisest sort is, thatt ther wilbe difficultye how to putt it of./

The L. harrye [Sydney] retorned a dossen dayes ago from hym, & had in reward for vm li he browght hym from the Q. majestie butt in a dyamond, for mony ther is non./ Master Secretory wallsingam delyverd monsieur lykewise xjm li. he comes now downe by st [omers] towards Gravellyng, haing xv C. horse with hym, & ijm footemen. which is all the forcs he hathe./

He is discontented with the prince of Orenge that he had not ayded hym, with his power, nor with his presens, who answerd hym, that his is no novyce to unfurnissh his garrisons, when the enmye is yn the fylld uppo the advantayge, nor to com from his charge without an Armye./

Lamote [ deleted: is] the Governor of Gravelling is supplyed of all that he wants by Gordan of Calice, otherwise he cowd nott have helld owtt this Long for want of vittayl & munityon, by which the conjecture is easelye made, how the frenche & the mallcontents do dissagre, & conseqwentlye whatt monsieurs platts ar who to cover his pretence of comyng into England & to worke som featt by the waye, drawes nere to Clayce, by the frontyers of the mallcontents, to Receve [ deleted: som further] & gyve som further yntelligens as he passeth./

Don Anthonio is still att dover, attendyng the wynde, & the comng of his shippes abowtt./ Ther is treson prepared in frawnce for hym./ [ Marginalia (by Herle): butt he is obstynatly bewitched, to his evident Ruyne]

The spaynissh Agent don Barnardino de mendoza, hath Receved lres from his master, [ deleted: &] to the Q. majestie & to the [ deleted: effect] ^end^ that his sayd masters mynde be further knowen [ deleted: to him] hath required awdyens on Tewsdaye last, but he is reffered till the Cowrtt com to Richemond which wilbe abowtt a x dayes hence, where the Cowncell shalbe assembled all together./

The d. of Lytellsteyn of the howse of Bronswyck, cam nott in att all. The Scottissh affayres ar in a cowrse to have som good yssew. God grawnt ytt. & Then these forreyn Terrors ar of the Lesse Regarde./ I wisshe yow to Rede whytakers booke agaynst Campyon./

[fol. 28r] I do ryde in poste to dover in the mornyng, & do send this berer to se purposelye how yow do, with mi good Ladye your wife, thanckyng yow for your Late comendacions marye contynewyng mi complaynt & clayme for mi bookes that (as a sheryff ye do detyne from me) which is the more extremitye, Nihil enim magis miquum, quam justicia, In instici armata./ Butt mi L. Thresuror shall decyde it bettwen us./

master Norrys is in good hellthe & state, & lyes besyde Lewarde, 3. leges west from Groyneng, attending there for a paye that is promised & is thancks be to God sure ynowgh [ deleted: agaynst] for ani ynvasyon of the enmyes./ Wherwith takyng hartlye mi Leve, I comend yow to Gods Tricyon. the 28. of september. in haste haste. Lambhythe. your assured in harte, hande & all that may be W. Herllely.

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