
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/180

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/149/43 f. 109r - 110v. William Herle to Sir Walter Mildmay. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable Sir walter mylldmay knight on of her majesties most honorable privey Councell, and Chauncellor of her highnes Cowrtt of Exchequer. give these./ 1581
Letter Text:
[fol. 109r] Right honorable, may yt plese yow to understand, that I am many wayes verey humblie behollding unto yow, aswell for your favor & good Cowntenance, that yow have vowchesaved uppon me at all tymes, in my poore occasione, as especiallie during the sute I had in the Exchequer abowte the Raglership, in the which I have sensyblye fellt to my Comfforte, the effect that your sayd favor drewe with ytt, which I will humblie acknowledge with all the thanckfull dutie, that so meane a man is hable to yellde, making your honor therfore further acqwaynted, that wheras her majestie did bestowe uppon me, the feeffarme of the said Raglarship at xxs by the yere, to the end I sholld be hable to paie my detts of the proffitts & sale that might be made therof, I have at length to that effect and intent (thoughe with great travaill, charge, & consumptyon of tyme) so concluded my said Bargayne, with the tenants & Comodites lyable to the said office, as they & the whole contrey are highelie contented & pleased, with the cowrse that I helld therin, & with the freedom that they & their posteritie ar to Receve ther by, they having compownded with me, to paie into the handes of certayne feoffies of trust vz. to master fanshawe, master osburne, master Customer Smythe & others xvjC li. for the said feeffarme and the arreraigs, at 3. payments wherof vij Cli. is to be answerd at the x ^th^ of November next, v Cli. at that daie twelvemoneth, & the iiij Cli. following in November com too yere. wherfore I am humblie to yntreatt your honor that wheras my pensyon in the Exchequer (which is the onlie thing that I have to lyve upon & this jorney hath stode me in a Cli. charge owt of myne owne purse withowt ayde of the feoffies or of any other to procure assurance & satisfactyon to my creditors) is stayed, at the sute of on Lynfford a servante of master Caryes, that yt might please your honor, that the said staie, might the rather be released & he to take in equitie & reson his satisfactyon as the other creditors do, for the which I shalbe humblie beholding to your honorable consideracon herein. this dett is for suretyship to the husbond of the wiffe that he laste maryed, so as I have a harde bargayne of ytt, but nowe yt most be satisfied, & he contented howsoever I do, as allwayes myne yntent was so to do; wher with I verey humblie take my leve, as on that prayes for you with my harte, to the god that preserves us all. London the xvij of June. 1581. Your Honors most humblye. W. Herllely.

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