
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/174

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/144/15 f. 36r - 37v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable my very good Lord, the Erlle of Lecester &c. gyve these with spede att the Cowrtt Cito ito
[Endorsement by Herle:] supplico [chieo] Excelli legen quechte lra subito
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 7 ^o^ November. 1580. William Herle.
Letter Text:
[fol. 36r] Yesterday I was forced mi R. honorable good L. to repayre to London with som spede, abowtt mi pryvate busynes, judging it hard [ deleted: allso] , to have ^had^ your L. att lesure to speke with yow att all uppon a sondaye, beyng ^therfore^ humbly bolld to comend to your remembrans the motyon I made on sir Edward Harberts behallf, whose man I have dispatched away this mornyng very well satisfyed, & have written to his master how muche he is beholldyng to your L. putting hym of mi sellf in mynde, of the honorable favors & kynde benffites that he hath Receved from the begyneng att your hands, wissheng hym with all his indevor nott onlye to acknowlege theme by his acyons towards your L. butt allso syncerelye to deserve theme, by the best dutyes he maye, wherof I dare humbly undertake that your L. shall fynde this effectually in hym, whose vallew is worthy allso to be embraced, & reduceth hym to thynck, that yow ar the only person, thatt he owght in very thanckfullnes & affectyon to honor & love, & so yow shall se performed. for me, how hardly soever he hath dellt with me heretoffore, your L. knowes that I have don good offyces bettwen yow & hym, & namely in sir John Throckmortons case, which cowrse I will observe for all men, whiles I shall enjoye your L favor. The parsons that be retorned in [ Marginalia (by Herle): alias john wyn Vawghan] the Rowlle for mongomery shire, ar John Vawghan, morgan gwyn, & Griffith lloyd. The first is he, that hath sutes yn Lawe agaynst sir Edward Herbert, & desires this offyce only to hynder justyce in his own cawses besydes that he is a ferotyows fellow, & therfore sir Edward Herbert hath grett reson to desire that he be nott pycked sheryff. Griffith lloyd is on of honest conversatyon, Lerned & a justyce of peace therfore a more yndifferent & mete person for this offyce, beyng allso servant to the L. Presydent of wales. ytt may plese your L. to have care of this matter, according to the trust that is humbly comended unto yow. master Comptroler is urged att this present very [fol. 36v] hardly bothe by sir Edward Herbert & by master E [dward] Herbert of mongmorye, for money that is dew unto theme, wherof they will Receve no delaye, mening by degrees to shake hym of wholly, for they have fownd the ymperfectyons of the man, that he serves his own torne, & his careles ^in the rest^ of thatt which appertaynes to honor & fryndship. I mene to se sir Edward Herbert in my jorny to the Contry, which with your favor shalbe this weke, all cawses sett a part, therfore your L. may remember in the mene tyme, whatt ytt may plese yow to comand me there.

Herynclosed be the occurents of portyngall which I translated owtt of the principall lre, of which your L. may be assured that they ar trew, & therfore may conffidentlye shew theme her majestie, beyng thyngs conffirmed asswell from Pre & Avere, as from Lusbon it sellf, by sondrye of good credite. Sancho d'aviva somtymes Castellan of Andwerpe, & the best repputed man for his judgement in martiall affayres of all Spayne, hath uttred by lre to a dere frynd of his, that mislyke he hath of his K. attempt to portyngall, asswell for the unjustnes of it, as for the difficulty that is in the same, which is whollye to undo his sayd master, & to overthrow all his Actyons yf he be crossed yn the same, or elles differred yn ytt.

Your L. shall Receve herewith a lre that is written to me from Roane in normandye, by master John Gyllpyn keper of thexcheqwer seall, & sent thither by sir Walter Mylldmay to bryng back a son of his that shipped over without his leve, for that he wolld nott be maryed to on that his father appoynted hym. In which lre, ther is on very materiall poynt, towching on marshall, that hath browght over sedycyows bookes from the B. of Rosse, & lres as is sypposed from the Erlles of Westmorland, the apprehensyon of which marshall wolld be spedelye attempted, wheryn yf your L. & master Secretory wallsingham wolld have me use any yndevor, your plesures knowen, the same shalbe as effectually don as I am hable.

[ deleted: I do ynclose another lre] Your L. servant Abecurck Thomas, whom ye lately prefferred to the servyce is on his jorny to Roane, & will furthwith provyde yow of suche frenche wynes, as yow shall grettly lyke [fol. 37r] I dowtt nott, I will serve your torne mani wayes that I knowe. Grey the sercher off London lyes very syck to which offyce on Word of your L . mowthe to mi L. Thresuror, might prefferre me yn reversyon, fyndeng the same L. Thresuror very willeng to do me good, & so were I enhabled to serve her majestie your L .& all mi frynds with the habilitye of a thanckfull man without craving or necessitye duryng lyfe. Butt the motyon [ deleted: most] ^wolld^ be made spedelye, or nott att all./ Wherwith I humbly fynisshe, the vijth of november. Redcrosse strete. 1580. your L. most humbly & syncerely with his whole hart prayer & servyce. W. Herlleli.

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