
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/172

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/143/42 f. 127r - v. William Herle to Thomas Wilson. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To master Secretory Willson, to that end he shall relesse master R [owland] yourck, accused by a verey lewd fellow on Elks.
Letter Text:
[fol. 127r] In humble hope R. honorable, that I do enjoye som parte in your good favor, I am bolld to renew my sute unto yow, for that poore mans libertie R [owland] yourck, presumyng that after so long ymprysonment sustayned by him (during the which, not onlie his chargs have bin great there, but spoyll likewise hathe bin made therby of that he had at home) [ deleted: which] ^as it^ may move yow the more to pytty him and his wretched estate, who poore man is ready to yeld good accompt of his duty, borne humbly to her Majestie and to lyve as an obedyent subject under the lawes of the same, having som busynes this terme to answere bothe in Theschequer & in other Cowrts, which requires his personall apparance. Therfore yt may plese your honor, the rather, to be a [ deleted: gratyows] ^charitable^ mene for his delyverye, which yf (for your weyghty affayres) yt may not so sone be dispatched, yet that yow will grant him liberty with his keeper to go abrode, to followe his sutes ^yn the mene tyme^ . Recomending humbly unto yow, that he protests to god and the worlld that he is gilltles of that he is accused, and desires no longer [to] lyve, than that he shalbe ^fownd^ a trew subject to her majestie [hoping] that on Ellks who accuseth him (a partye, that is [commonly] reported, verey ynffamows, a detractor, & of no credyte, [ ... ] endyted of felonye, & owtlawed upon the same) shall not be admytted to condempne an honest subject, by his [sleyght] and lewd reportts. for me, I know not the said Ellks, but lest your honor sholld be abused in him, I do send you inclosed a small Taste (in respect of his lyffe besyde) how you [may] the better se ^ynwardly^ what the man is, The notes included [ deleted: herein] towching him, were delyverd me by on that is desyrowes to justeffie them by witnes beffore her majestie and her counsell which of good duty that I bere to your honor I send yow to peruse, and then to receve them againe, wherwith I humbly finishe. Redcrosstrete the 28. of october. 1580. Your honors, as your awncyent acqwaintance W. Herlleli.

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