
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/171

Catalogue entry

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/143/11 f. 19r - 20v. Bishop Chaderton to Sir Francis Walsingham and Lord Burghley. Only the part of the letter concerning Herle is reproduced. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right Honorable my verey singler good frends The L. Burghley High Threasuror of Englande and Sir Frauncis Walsingham Knight principall Secretarie to the Queens Majestie at the Courte Haste theise
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 8 octob. 1580 My L & master sec. Walsingham.
Letter Text:
[fol. 19r] In humble wise may yt please your H. to be advertised that my verey good L the Earle of Derbie and the other knights appointed to deale in the affaires of Christs Colledge in Manchester, have taken some paines to some good purpose: for by their wise and gentle dealing many of the Tenants are verey reasonable and iiij Towne shipps small though they bee have surrendred the Leases of their Tythes freelie to the use of the Colledge for the Maintenance of Hospitalitie. dyverse Gentlemen have the rest in lease, who, I am affraid, though their title be no better, will not yeeld so easilie. my L of Derbie and the other Comissioners will also deale with them at further leasure. In the meane tyme Masterr deane of Paules will make a motion to your H. for Master Hearle, that the Colledge might be dychardged of his pencion, for the revenewes will not in ani wise beare yt.

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