
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/166

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Editorial comments:
SP 12/103/20 f. 47r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable mi verey good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England &c. give these the Cowrt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 30 mar. 1575 Master Hearle to my L. Advertisments out of Germanie. the licence of clothes graunted to Paule Buiss.
Letter Text:
[fol. 47r] By the lres mi right honorable good L. that ar wrytten owtt of Germany the Mandesslowe & Plates horsemen which are gatherd for the frenche K. service to the nomber of 3000./ ar passed the Ryne allredy towards frawnce, Therebe allso 5000. horsemen more to be assembled for the prynce of Condy & the service of that syde. The 3. Bisshops Clerckes with certayn other princs & Bysshops that appertayne to the leage of Landsberge, do mete furthwith together, butt the certayn place & daye is nott knowen, they procede so secrettly theryn./ By lres owtt of Polonia ys wrytten that the Vayvode is allredy crowned in Cracovia, butt from the Emperors Cowrt is the contrary given owtt, alledging that a principall partye a palatyne, who dyd most sustayne the cawse agaynst the Emperor is taken in the fylld by a frynd of Th'emperors & browght to Viena, wherby Th'emperer is lyke to prevayll in his electyon, yett the Turke hath threttned the sayd Emperor, in case thatt he desist nott from th'enterprise of Polonia, to lend his forces agaynst hym./ The people of the Lowe Contreys do openly & generally, brust owtt in voyces of favor towards the prince of orenge, as though that he were stalled allredy amongest theme for Governor, who by these voyces & demonstratyons, do even urge to call hym in to take the charge of all uppon him, butt surely they be lyght people in those parts of Braband & flanders, apte uppon ani hope or passyon to utter them sellves so far, as though they were constantly bent to lyve & dye in that they had taken uppon theme, when presently uppon the lest yll tydyngs & successe that happens, they abbandon theme sellves & theyr frynds with basser mynds than women may have./

Herewith I send to your L. the grawnt for the 2000. clothes under the grett seall, which your goodnes obteyned for Powll Buys & his colleges, who becawse they ar to depart at ij of the clock, do desire your L. favorable lre open, to master Burd & other Customers to whom ytt doth apperrtayne, for their dispatche without staye, when the occasyon is presented to theme, to transport ani clothes & yf your L. will comande theme or me ani thing elles [ Marginalia (by Herle): uppon the sayd grawnt] ytt may plese yow to signeffye it by this berer, who for their sayke & expedycyon is to attend uppon your L. for the lre & your answer, wherwith very humbly I fynissh the 30. of marche in Redcrosse Strete. 1575. Your L. most humblye. W. Herllely

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