
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/155

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Editorial comments:
HMC Bath Dudley Papers II f. 189r - 190v. William Herle to the Earl of Leicester. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable mi very goo [d] L. the Erlle of Lecester &c. gyve these with spede att the Cowrtt./
Letter Text:
[fol. 189r] Having wrytten to yow by Turner of late (mi Right honorable good Lord) I had well hoped that he wolld have attended som whatt for your L. answer. The thing that I desyred most to here from yow for, was towching the transportyng of Pyers hither, & for your L. warrant to the coste syde, to have ayded the partye to bryng hym a shore, assuryng your L. that yf yow so vowchesave, he shalbe browght over withowt Rumor, to which effect, I have stayed here so long, to se whatt it may plese yow to comande, beseching your L. humblye to dispatche this berer, whom I do send of purpose to yow, havyng prescribed hym butt iiij dayes to com & go, yn which tyme yf your L. leysure will nott serve yow to wryte by hym, ytt may plese your L. to lett me Receve your order; ynclosed within som lre to the vycepresydent, & I will make the more hast to retorn, to putt the same yn executyon. /

Of the other syde, ytt were convenyent mi good L. that silvanus Scoryes lycens, sholld be sent by me yf it wer dispatched for being a matter of that nature, the ^father^ loked to have Receved it som while synce & the [yong] man stayes his jorney [ deleted: onlye] onlye uppon it, & may torne to his detryment yf the same be nott signed beffore his olld lycens be expired havyng so mani Adversaryes that do lye in waytt to take all the advantayg that may be, that ether he most retorne presentlye, or elles ron ynto a maniffest danger, yf his sayd lycens be not spedylye had./

I have written a lre & enclosed ytt [ deleted: heryn] mi L. for master Secretory Willson, ytt partlye consernes som good servyce of her majesties & partlye the answer of his lre sent me by Turner. Ytt is leffte open of purpose that your L. may vowchesave to purse it & then to sele up the same with myne own sealle which this berer shall deliver you. ytt plesed hym to wryte me lres somwhatt bytterlye sawced, which I know procedes nott from him butt from another humor. for certaynlye he hath [fol. 189v]ever even att this ynstant, yntreated me more lyke a son than on of so mene callyng, which by all the humble & dutifull menes that I am hable, I will seke to deserve. your L. shall se mi justiffycatyons in mi sayd lre to hym, beseching your L. most humblye, that they may nott be other wise ynterpreted, than I mene theme, & that I may have your honorable [ ... ] & favor to mayntayne mi poore credyte towards her majestie whiles I do deserve well, & to hym whiles I do syncerely love hym, & do zelows [ deleted: servyce] servyce to the State. And thowgh I have enmyes, yett yn mi good cawse, yt is your L. honor & his nott to be withdrawen from me by ani grettnes or suggestyon, thowgh I be the menest of your frynds & followers, butt haplye I may & will stand your L. in more [sted] than a braver shew will do, therefore vowchesave to mesure me by mi upryghtnes & assured devotyon towards your L who am redy to spend mi hart blood att your honorable comandment.

ytt is a grett observatyon how your L. will carye your sellf bettwen the ij personaygs that sqwared att Burye in words. Yf on is grett & mightye & the other noble, who onlye depends of your L. which makes the gretter expectacyon in the worlld. Butt your wisdom (thowgh I saye it humblye & trulye ^to your face^ ) is Rare & singuler & of grett experyence in Cowrt affayres wherunto your L. frynds & followers have a consyderatyon on waye, & the rest another waye. Your L. shall here more shortlye wheryn I will humblye presume to lett yow understand ^ [yndyfferently] ^ whatt I knowe, desyring your advancement & credyte next the Q. majesties before all others.

I wryte to your L. of many things in mi late lres by Turner butt I suppose that yow have nott the tyme once to peruse theme & so very humblye I fynisshe. London iij ^o^ septembris. 1578. your L. to serve yow & pray for yow. W. Herlleli.

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