
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/146

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 155 f. 306v - 307v. Instructions for William Herle from the Queen.  
Letter Text:
[fol. 306v] A privat memoriall for William Herle of charge geven to him by the Queens Majestie

Where yow have another Instruction signed by us, concerning the manner of your proceeding in procuring the [fol. 207r] expedicon and suretie for recoverie of all our armor and municon remayning at Hamborough, Breme, and those maritime partes, our pleasure is that therin yow shall doe your indeavor as tyme shall serve yow: But our speciall chardge to yow is to procure a bargaine for the borrowing of a masse of money to the some of iiij ^xx^ or C. thousand poundes sterling, and to paie for th'interest therefore for the space of one yeare not above sixe in the hundred, and yf yow cannot attaine so great a sume, yet if yow can obtaine a some above iij or iiij ^xx^ thousand pounds upon such a reasonable interrest: we shall allowe of your service, and if yow cannot obtaine thintrest under six for the hundred, then yow may staie concluding for any bargaine, and if the interrest be not above six in the hundred then to suspend the conclusion therof in such sorte as we may within two monethes accept yt or refuse yt, and thereof either to certifie us by letters, orells to returne your self.

For your manner of proceeding herin, yow shall use the best policie yow can, not to appeare that your comeing is for that, untill yow have founde good towardnes in the matter, and then for your aucthoritie to make such a bargaine yow may at your discretion shewe your Comission signed and sealed by us: for the tyme and place of deliverie we desire to have the money yf yt could be possible by th'ende of August at Antwerp, yf not to have yt in Januarie next at Antwarp: yf yt cannot be but we must needes receave the money there in Hamborough or in Holsatia, then is the bargaine to be made condiconall, that the interest shall not beginne but from the daie that we [fol. 307v] we shall have yt in our shippes, and therin the bargaine must be considered, that either we must have yt delivered before th'ende of September, orells not before Aprill, because the transportacon by sea in winter tyme is dangerous.

Yow shall for the assurance of repayment offer the same bondes that all other the merchants of Antwarp & Austburg have which is a bonde of ours under our great seale of England and the bondes of our Cittie of London under their comon seale, both which yow may Coveinant to deliver unto them at such tyme as yow shall accorde to receave the money.

finallie yow shall use all your cunning to make th'intrest easie, and to make the bargaine soe condiconall, that we may have power upon knowledg from yow to accept or refuse, wherin we meane certainelie to use good expedicon.

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