
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/144

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 58 f. 67r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. h. mi verey good Lord, the Lord highe Thresuror of England [c.] give these/ Cito/
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 12 Ap. 1588 Master William Herle to my L./
Letter Text:
[fol. 67r] R.h. Lord, consydryng the duty of eche lovyng subject in this troblesom tyme it is mi parte allso to remember your L. that yf her majestie so vowchesave, I cowd do her especiall service, presently in Germany, att th'assembly of those Prynces, ether pryvately, as suffred to travayll abrode, abowtt myne own busynes or publickly, in whatt it sholld plese her majestie & your L. to comande, wherin mi poore experyence of those Affayres & personaigs, shall render my endevors more agreable & facile. The howse of Awstria is lyke ther to suffer som revolution, & grett workyng wilbe to establysshe a new king of Romaynes, which bothe in respect of Religion [ Marginalia (by Herle): to be establisshed & advanced] & depressyng of the spaynissh Awthority, in that mighty Theater of [ deleted: Germany] Europe, doth concerne her majestie grettly to have a mene knowledge, & accordynglye to frame her interest, & procedyng in season. And towching the expences that I may be att in this jorney, I will not charge her majestie unles I do som suche service, as bothe her majestie & the Reallm, may fynde necessary & benefficiall, dedicateng mi lyfe & travaylles symply to theme bothe, as on nott discoraiged nor greved, with mi former yll luck or opposityon butt redy to laye downe mi sowlle, for mi graciows Soveraigne, & most sweete Contry, assuryng your L. that yf ye condiscend to this employmente I will discharge it with secresy & diligence, nott acqwaynteng ani therwith butt your sellves only, or suche as mi instructyons shall warrante. Wherwith prayeng devotely for your hellthe, I pray an answer herunto, as conveniently as may be, & that I may be thought worthy to be used in somwhat that do rowlle mi Tubbe in this comune Action, with Diogenes, desireng humbly to be comanded in the formast Ranck of ani peryll, for discharge of my duty & zele, as a citizen of the Reallme. Owr Lord blesse & preserve her majestie in her graciows procedyngs & strengthen your person long, for her & the comune weall. / Temple Barre. the 12 ^th^ of Aprill 1588. your L most humbly bownden W. Herlleli.

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