
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/138

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 54 f. 158r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable mi verey good L. the Lord highe Thresuror [of] England &c. gyve these./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 23. Aug. 1587. Master William Herle to my L./
Letter Text:
[fol. 158r] My R. h. good L. I understand by master Candisshe to mi grett comforte, how favorable ye be inclyned towards me, which I most ever acknowlege, with the best duty & sincere thanckfullnes, that a poore man may [ deleted: yelld] humbly yelld./ Butt wheras your L. is moved to conseve, that in craving leve to departe, do use it rather for an inforcement than of matter. Trulye mi L. it is playne necessitye in me, ether to chuse that with lybertye in exile, grownded on som hope, or to starve in prison here wretchedlye with evydent despaire./ for I have spent all to supplye her majesties services (which yett is som ease of mynde) & to deffraye necessary chargs, & am further entred into dett, having nether pencion nor lyveng lefte, to mayntayne me longer, ye lastly the poore chayne I had, is gon in expencs, nott being hable to follow ani sute att the Cowrtt for verey want, nether is ani sute (as I am used) hable to recompense the chargs & tedyousnes that I meete with, [Il lesa] tamen Pacientia, nether have I had ani peni releeff these .2. yeres of ani, butt by borrowyng only: yett excusyng mi sellf herewith of ani waste or willfull prodigality, [ Marginalia (by Herle): comitted in my services] which may be proved in on argument for all, for her majestie bestowing in many yeres few things on me, by zele & industrye I have incresed there, don her good service, & mayntayned mi sellf miraculouslye, which others in having grett rewards & consyderacions, have verilye in shorte tyme consumed besyde that daylye bothe worthye & unworthy ar preffered & beneffited, & I poore sowle a lone am secluded. Which her majestie att her plesure, may graciouslye thinck of, Butt mi estate is suche, that ether I most have present hellp, or her graciows leve & Testimony to departe, that I be nott made a spectacle to mi enmyes, that maligne me for mi fayth & service nott for malyce to mi sellf, with in the depthe of mi devocion to God & her, I humblye comend to your grave & favorable favor, whom God blesse & prosper ever. Temple Barre, the 23. of Awgust. 1587. your L. most Bownden. W Herlleli.

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