
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/133

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 54 f. 145r - 146v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R honorable mi verey good L the Lord hight Thresuror England &c. gyve these
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 24 Julij 1587 master William Herle to my L.
Letter Text:
[fol. 145r] I am infinitely bownd to your L. for the late favor ye vowchsaved me att north [hand] which mi L. of warwick sayeth, he will never forgett, butt withall acqwaynte his brother therwith, to the end they may be bothe thanckfull for the same. The L. Chancellor hath informed her majestie that Tusser Clerck of the duchye owght her vij C li wheruppon there may be som menyng to make the office paye it, a presydent in mi poore oppynion in convenyent & not lawfull, yett seyng mi R. honorable good L. that I have waded thus far in this cawse, lett me humblye intreatt yow, that I may paye the mony, for I have som frinds that rather than I sholld be whollye overthrown in credite & hope, be content to putt in good assurance for the same, & so I shall nott seme to impugne her majesties proffytts, whatt soever she promised (as I understode it) beffore to me. master Secretory [ Marginalia (by Herle): who is cheef offycer of the duchye cawses] I humbly thanck him, gave me his good will to sue for it, & I will obeye him agayne in whatt soever he shall prescribe (yf I have it) most thanckfully, with whom yf it shall plese your L. to conferre, I dowtt nott butt that by your only honorable menes, I shall passe so resonable & lowe a sute. your L. knowes mi state, mi service, & devotyon, with the yeres that I have consumed mi yowth in loyallye & dutifullye, beyng now com to mi Awtompne of Aige, & mi leves shaken without frute or store to intertayne wynter with./ I have disbursed in these 2. late services comanded by her majestie. ix Cli of myne owne. I have morgayged & forffayted mi pencyon. & burdened my frynds above mesure, among whom master Secretory hath answerd & payd for me 155li. There rests nothing more to sacrifise, butt mi lyfe, which is redy for ani service of the state, [ Marginalia (by Herle): to be employed & layd down] yett lett me nott be made a spectacle of scorne & necessytye (rather banisshment to my enmyes, whom I have nott enmyes for mi sellf, butt for her majestie & mi loyalltye. in fides & sedulos sit Princeps propenhior, quam in reteros. wherwith most humbly I fynisshe. Temple Barre. 24. of July. 1587. your L most Bownden. W Herlle./

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