
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/129

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 46 f. 36r - 37v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. After the line 'irresolute and unassured' the writing continues perpendicular in the left hand margin. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable my verie good Lord, the L. highe Tresuror of England et cet. Give these.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 17 August. 1585 William Herle. with lres out of Holland.
Letter Text:
[fol. 36r] Right honorable L. I receaved yesterday morning your L. lre of the xiiij ^th^ and do satisfye my self greately, and reverently, in the particularities, that it conteynes, Butt I cannot answer them as I would, these foure, or fyve dayes, being fallen sick againe, wasted with melancholie, having litle consideracon had of me, in this tyme of my greate Charge, not hable to travaile for my self. The maxime should have had som, regarde to me also, quod in fidos et sedules sit Princeps liberalior quam in veteros. Recomending my self, and my estate to your favorable remembrance of me to hir majestie. Sed vis fit quod cito fit. Butt to returne to your L. lre, I hope by my next to satisfye yow trewly and zealously, of that which becomes me for your quietnes, And yf I were hable to travaile abrode, I would penetrate further to your further lykeng. It may please your L, to deliver to hir majestie this lre inclosed, which comprehendes matter of East friseland. Where with I would not troble hir, during the treatye with those of the provinces unyted, but have reserved the advertisement therof till this better opportunitie, The knowledge of which shall not displease hir. I moved your L.in my last on the behalf of a pore dystressed freind of myne, Acerbo Vellutelly, for your lre to the Customers inwarde and outwarde, or yf it please your L, to master fanshow, that he might see only, those parcelles in the bookes of entries that appertayne to him self from the yere 66 to 75. Nicholas de Gogy and Cursiny be comissioners betwene the sayd Acerbo and his nevewes to heare the accompt, and ar now in action aboute the same which requyres therfore the sooner ayde of your L. favor. The Almaignes servant is yett here, which deserves consideracon of som viaticum, yf it might be, Recomending the same humbly to your L. wisdome and ayde. Wherwith I take my leave The xvij ^th^ of August the evening in my bedd, 1585. your L. in all dutie and reverent affection. W Herlleli .
[Postscript:] This frenche lre withinclosed my L. comes from a person of good authoritie and wealth, called William Bardeus, a faithfull protestant, and of good judgment, and to hir majestie singularly inclyned, he dwelleth in Amsterdam, and holdes the sterne of their state there, and of all the Sowthparte of northe holland [ deleted: from] ^even to^ Utrect and Amorsford, Therfore though his lre bere a stale date, despise it not, for the disposicon of the Contrie is such as he describes, and more slipperie now after the losse of Antwerpe unles hir majestie do enter into the whole action with diligence. The losse of Antwerpe is great, in respect of the reputacon that followes to the possessor and the conteyneng in dutie of the Nobilitie and Townes of the malcontentes, yet not so great unto us but rather a Comoditie yf we well weighe it, But we ar condemned generally to be irresolute and unassured.

It were best that hir majestie had good assured Townes, aswell for the retreate of hir men, as to holde the people in brydle, otherwise this supply that is sent over, shalbe exposed to all the ruinous services that shalbe offered, [ deleted: and] to make therby the better composicon with the king of Spayne, for they hope for no more ayde from hence, this being so hardly wrong from hir majestie, after somanie delayes, and consumption of tyme. The Counsell of holland and zeland do charge master Davyson that he assured them, that hir majestie would absolutely take them, either under hir Soveraignetie, or protection, otherwise they would not have sent over. may it please your L. to return the f [ren] che lre to me againe.

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