
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/127

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 43 f. 24r - 25v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable mi very good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England &c. give these att the Cowrtt ./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 29. Julij. 1584. Master William Herle to my L.
Letter Text:
[fol. 24r] R. honorable & mi verey good L. I have had sondry impedyments yn the begyneng of mi jorney towards Est frizeland, which have byn the occasyon that mi service is nott so far advanced, as I desired & indevord, butt the same shall be recompensed when as I am ones there, with that dilygence & industrye, as shall discharge my dutye to her majestie & expresse I hope som further hablenes to do her service./ I had att London hired ij shippes on after another, to transporte me to Emdon, & bothe faylled me when it cam to the poynt, attendyng belyke the company of those englyshe shippes that were stayed att London, & sholld have com to Emdon. The wynde allso hindred me som while, butt lastlye I was fayne to make of necessitye a vertew, & putt mi sellf over in a hollands vessell, who with grett danger cam into the mowthe of the mose, the wether beyng Tempestyows, & the place very dangerows to falle with: from whens I arryved att dordrecht newlye uppon the Prynces dethe, where the Magistrats conferred with me att large, of the hevye accydent hapned, & of their own propper affayres, & state, wherof I have written to her majestie fullye. / Thens I cam to Rotterdam & to dellfft, in which place the generall estates were assembled, having comoditye therby to comunicate of many things with mi frynd Pawll Buis, on that Rules cheeffly now, & I have made mi proffitt by his instructyons, asswell of mi jorny Estwards, as otherwise for things that ar fytt for her majesties knowlege, beyng there well respected, in respect of her majestie, whose servant I was knowen to be, & had mi chargs deff [ray] ed by the Town, & provyded of free waggen to bryng me to Amsterdam, where the contrary wynde hellde me by the space of ix dayes, & now am att the seas att Ancker a thwart of Inckhusen, hoping on frydaye att night to be within Emdon, from whens I will write to your L. & do presume to have good growndworck to negociate with Cownt Izard uppon, who is presently within Emdon & holldes the wollff by the eares, nether assured of his brother, [fol. 24v] nor of his own subjects, so as fere & ambytyon travaylles him of ether syde, & yett the fere & gayne that the spaniard propones unto him, enclynes him dowttfullye whatt he maye resollve, wherof when I shalbe arryved there, I shalbe better hable to judge./

Master Secretorye tolld me that it was her majesties plesure I sholld dyrect mi packett to her alone, wherfore I humbly refferre your L. for knowlege of the particularityes that I have collected in mi vyage throwgh holland to the same. And yf I be spare in wryteng of things to your L. duryng mi abode in these parts, ytt may plese yow to attribute it onlye, to the obedyence I carye to her majesties wyll & nott to want of dutye, to do that which becomes me to on of your sorte, whose humblye I am with the best service I can yelld./ herinclosed ys a lre to her majestie of som particuler matter, which wolld be pryvatelye delyverd into her own hands, & therfore do recomend it to your sellf, prayeng your L. humblye, that I may understand som whatt of her majesties plesure att Emdon, for in deed (to say it to your L.) I have very small directyon whatt to do with these ij Cownts of Est frizeland, & therfore I most ether hazard mi negociateng accordyng to discretyon, submitteng mi sellf to her majesties gracious acceptyng of it in the better parte, or nott procede so far as occasion may be presented, butt whatt soever I promis, they shall nott have mi hand for it, & so finissheng I humblye comend mi good devocyon & dutye to your L with your honorable consyderacyon of mi poore estate. This gentillman the berer is on well travaylled & well given, to who vowchesave your good cowntenance & favor the rather att mi humble request, he is allso att charge with bryngeng her majesties packett./ The 29. of Julye. stilo antiquo. 1584. Inckhusen./ Your L. most humblye bownden W. Herllely.

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