
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/125

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 39 f. 194r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. At the words 'The L. Warden for' the writing continues perpendicular to the page in the left hand margin.  
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable mi very good L. the L. highe Thre [sor] or of England give these./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 22. december. 1583 Master William Herle.
Letter Text:
[fol. 194r] R. honorable L. I talked yesternight at good leysure with my L. of Lecester, after I departed from your L. of those Italyen Erlles & of other things. which he toke in very good parte. I forgatt to aske of your L. whither there had nott byn delyverd to yow som whiles synce, certayn verses unadvowed, which conserned your sellf, & were in nature of an ynfamous libell which yf [ deleted: they were] ani suche thing were, I knowe how to com nere your knowlege of theme, for suche verses have byn shewed furth of late, & it may haplye bryng furthe these new libelles withall, of whom I hope to have half a gesse before it be to morrow att night. I wolld have waytted on yow this mornyng to this effect, but that I have taken phisick. ytt may plese yow to signeffye me your plesure towching the verses before mencyoned for I deppend whollye of yow & have dedicated mi sellf & all mi offices to yow. prayeng your L. to burne this paper when ye have red it. I am very ernestlye to recomend unto your L. favor a dere frind of myne the mayor of dover, whom I have knowen these 24. yeres a faythfull & zelows subject & officer of her majesties, & so contynewes, whatt soever is to the contrarye objected agaynst him, by suche as malyce nott him butt the state of the Towne. The truthe is that the jurisdictyon of the Castell wolld devowre the same of the Towne, & now the more enkyndled by the ambycyon of him of the Castell. butt the jurisdicions be destinct & he submittes him sellf to the heryng of the L. warden, for any matter that he may be charged with, withowt troblyng mi Lords of the Cowncell, which good mi L. [ deleted: have] vowchesave to Regarde mi favor to the mayor & the rather at mi humble request, for the incoraigment of good offices.& so I humbly finish. your L. ever 22. of december. 1583./ W. Herlleli.

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