
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/115

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 36 f. 181r - 182v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R. honorable mi very good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England &c. give these att the Cowrtt with [sp] ede
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 17 ^o^ . Junij. 1582 William Herle to my L.
Letter Text:

[fol. 181r] My R honorable good L. The d. is advertised (thowgh nott very certenlye) that the Rutters be com to Chymay, to the nomber of xv. C horse, vj. C frenche Lawncs & vj. m frenche shott. There be vyttaylles a provydeng to supplye theme with att Bruxelles, when they be looked for./ Their jorny owtt of Champaygne (by the descriptyon made to the .d.) sholld be by maziers, & down the wooddye contry to Rorkrvix, & by marryenburgh & Philippville to Chymay./ from thens sholld [ Marginalia (by Herle): Chettelley] they procede to Chettelly, where they ar to passe the Sambe, & so up to [floru] & to the wood of Soygnye, where passyng throw the edge of the sayd wood, & levyng the garrisons of nyvell & Halle, apperteyneng to the Enmye, on the Lefte hand, they ar to approch Bruxelles, bettwen Loveyn & wood of Soygnye./ The P. of Parma, hath sent xviij Cornetts of horse to encownter theme, & hath appoynted sondrye garrisons of footemen, which lye in the Rutters waye, to joyne with his horsemen. Wherbye yt wilbe harde to attayn Bruxelles, beffore they be fowght with, yn the successe wherof many things do deppend./

The mene while doth the P. of Parma hasten the battrye att owdenarde, & hath gyven a new assallte, hopinge to carye the place, beffore these forces be yn state to Releve ytt./

Master norrys is com to this Town yesterday mornyng, & his people both horsemen & footemen landing att Sasse in flanders, where they remayne till order be taken whither they shall marche./

There be grett dissorders & difficultyes here, for asswell the forces that be yn the fyld, as those of the garrisons, ar redye to mutyne for Lack of paye & of necessaryes, which procedes of very miserye & want, & nott of ynsolencye, Att owr Camp besyde Gawnt, they ar redy to breke up, for Lack of vyttaylles, which in this begyneng ys the more strange, & doth breede grett ymputacyon to the d. & governement./ [ deleted: , & diffender to the affayres]

Att vyllfford, beyng in passayge to Bruxelles, of that ymportance ytt is of, they have suffred the sowdyors to mutyne, for Lack of vij. C gilldernes paye only which for this ynstant wolld have contented theme. And they in this mutenye, have stayed of butter, cheese, & corne that sholld have passed by theme to Bruxelles, to the vallew of xijm gilldernes. The Corne is marred by heatt, & the vittaylles consumed, & yett they most compownd with theme, beffore they have the sowdyors qualleffyed, & the passayge free./ Trulye here is nether order nor obedyens, nor mony as yett to Remedye things. And the Remises ar suche, with the small hope of better provisyon herafter, as it breedes a hard expectacyon of the Rest, which I do signieffye to your L. to contemplate the better the state of these things/ deppendyng of the saffetye of Owdenard, of provysyon of money & vyttaylles, that the Camp dissband nott, & of the preservyng of the new forcs, that they be nott broken yn the waye, ani of which 3 beyng prevaylled of by the Enmye, is an Accydent to conffownd all our disseygnes of this syde. /

Att Gawnt there be 25. apprehended of the principall persons of the Towne, who beholldyng the peryll of their own estate, by the danger that Owdenard stands yn [fol. 181v] had pryvate confference ^how^ to assure theyr Town of Gawnt, with the P. of Parma beffore they were exposed to extremitye, which comyng to the P. of Orengs ere (whom they nyckname il Castellano, bycawse his resydens is in yn the Castell) he sent Junius of Anwarp, to comitt theme, & to take further order yn Gawnt, which by the reson of the strong partye & allyegance that these 25. be of will prove to be very dangerows, & disclose it sellf yn the end, Owdenarde ones taken./

The Pryncs of Germany have a synister oppynion of her majestie for establysshyng the frenche here, which consernes theme & their posteritye to provyde for they saye./

yong Pollwiller is com down to the conffynes of gellderland with a Regyment of iijm all maynes & ij C horse, which were levyd for the enterprise of Gyneve butt the same faylleng, they ar to be ymployed here, for the spaynissh servyce with verdugo abowtt the Ryne & the mose, or elles yn Camp with the P. of Parma./

There be vj. m germayn footmen, & vm Bohemian Myners looked for from the Emperor, to com to the P. of Parma./

Therbe levyes of horsemen & footemen in Burgendye for the K. of Sp: & by lres from Geane, there is advertised of xij C spaynisshe footemen, arryved owtt of Sp: of those Trowpes that served yn these contryes heretoffore./ & xvC more be loked for, which by lres of parys ar sayd to be allredy com to Gene [ deleted: allso] ./

Thatt the galleyes of naples have browght thither som footemen & grett provysyon of things. And that the napolitayn horsemen, & those of Lombardye, with the foote lands of Italye, do marche hitherwards. Thatt the fowrker is appoynted to furnissh the P. of Parma yn ij payments the som of [ Marginalia (by Herle): 1600000 [crowns]] xvj. Cm [crowns] towards the charge of the warres./ Thatt the dukes of Bronswick & Lowenburgh have sondrye Rittmasters yn yntertaynment for the kyng of Sp:

The Assemblye of the stats generall, begynes yn this Town agayn the first of the next moneth. & then most they answer the d. 900m gilldernes, for the charge of the warres, for these .3. monthes past. wherunto he most adde of his owne 900. m gs. more, for the composytyon bettwen the stats & hym is, that he shall give theme credit of .3. monethes still beffore hand, to the end they may leve their contributyons with more comoditye./ wherwith humbly comendyng me to your L. good favor, I take mi leve for this tyme, desyrows with mi harte, that ye wolld employe me yn somwhatt yn these parts, & therewith to yngrave yn her majesties gracyows oppynion, the Remembrance of a zelows poore servant of hers. Andwerpe the 17. of June. 1582. Your L. with his harte and prayer. W Herllly.

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