
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/110

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 31 f.22r - 23v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the R.honorable mi very good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England give these att the Cowrt./
[Endorsement by Burghley:] 19. Aug. 1580 William herle.
Letter Text:
[fol. 22r] The favours mi R. honorable L. be so many & great, that I have Receved of your goodnes, & I have byn driven so often to call uppon yow for aide, that, beffore God, I am ashamed to lyfte up myn eyes ani more towards yow, muche more to troble your L. with mi writengs, Butt God will sturre up your charity first to pardon me, & next to perffect the good worke ye have begon in me for my liberty./

Your L. doth Remember that in your littell chamber att White hall by the Tarresse, your L. & mi L. of Lecester toke the payne to make an end for me with Thomas Wade for on Cli wherof mi L. of Lecester payd hym, the same daye that monsieur arrived att Grenewiche 50li. for me, condycioneng that he sholld in november following have 50li more./

Butt the sayd Wade now, fyndeng me att the worst, pretendes impudentlye, that the composityon was ijCli & theruppon [ Marginalia (by Herle): He served your L. 50, att another tyme att Cicill howse, denying the substance of that agrement that passed. He hath mi whole privilege & mony with all, & I have nothing. detayneng all mi bonds & mi bodi in prison./ I know their gredynes & unthanckfull mynds./] hath entred 4. actyons agaynst me of a m. marks to vexe me & kepe me for all together./ Mi L. of Lecester toke a writing under Wades hand & sealle, & joyntlye under myne, of the agrement that passed bettwen us, & of the 50li for Receved to that end, which writing Ambrose his man hath the custodye of. / yf therfore it might plese your Lordships bothe, to write .3. lynes to the sayd Wade, of the agrement that passed, & that he be content with the cawtyon that other men ar to Receve uppon that sale of the Raglership, (which he is content with) so that for 50li I wolld allowe hym a 150li, (suche is their conscyens) ytt sholld Ryd me of a grett dele of troble & charges, & purge the yll myndes they have, by so reqwitable an admonityon. [fol. 22v] On Stafforton an Attorney yn Gylld hall, who thynckes him sellf grettlye bownd to your L. is joyned in attorneysship with Thomas Wade for these cawses, in the absence of william Wade which Stafferton, will be redy to obey ani thynge that your L. shall plese to write./ Lastlye to remove these other actyons that Remayne (all the executyons beyng discharged) yf your L. & the Erlle of Lecester, wolld write fryndlye to Master Jasper Sowthcote, to take resonable Byll for mi apparence that next Terme, that wolld discharge all [ Marginalia (by Herle): I have .3. good suretyes redy, the .4. yf nede be, which is much in this vacatyon tyme, & to on in mi estate] & I might then presentlye go abowtt mi busynes, prayeng to God uppon mi knees to reward & Blesse yow for me. wherwith most humblye I take mi leve./ woodstrete the ix ^th^ of Awgust. 1580. Your L. in all duty. W. Herlle
[Postscript:] Master sowthcote departs the Towne on wensdaye till michellmas. so as nether Jasper nor Bacon of the Exchequer ys now yn the Towne, nor wilbe befor the Terme, wheruppon mi libertye deppends or mi detaynment./

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