
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/108

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 28 f. 92r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable mi verey good L. the Lord highe Thresuror of England &c. [gi] ve these.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 27. Jan. 1578 William Herle to my L. the offer made for the Raglership.
Letter Text:
[fol. 92r] I dyd presume right humbly mi L. to wryte yesterday mornyng unto your L. whatt I was offred in secrett by pryses brother in Lawe, which was a mli the sayd partye desyreng ernestlye, that throwgh this his motion som good end might be taken bettwen us./ In the after noone followyng, we mett in powlles, & I standyng styfflye uppon mi demande of 3000li he tolld me in myne ere, that he thowght that with grett difficultye on Cli more than a mli might be procured, which he hym sellf wolld contribute unto, thowgh he had no ynterest yn the actyon, rather than we sholld breke of: which offer (when with thancks for his curtesye) I reffused, I signeffyed it to master Osburne, who willed me in ani wise to make your L. pryvey therof, to the end that by your [ deleted: good] Awthoritye & good favor, you might drawe theme to the som of xvCli which they wilbe glad (I suppose) to com unto, in respect of your honorable cowntenance & goodnes to theme herafter, thowgh they have proceded verye gyngerlye in offeryng hitherunto./ I refferre mi sellf humblye & whollye to your L. who shall have a grett nomber of Creditors & frynds withall, to pray for yow, in making the matter as comedyows for me, (a poore creature of yowres) as yow may, & to suche a multitude as mi partyes ar, it is no burden nor prejudice att all, for they [ Marginalia (by Herle): The industrye & parsimony of those in Cardigan shire makes them habler than ij of the best Comunaltyes in Wales. butt prise & his Appostelles do fleese them metely well, which I wolld I had a comission to trye the misdemenors of those Raveners./] be uppon mi word mi L. the Richest Comunalltye in Wales, & so your L. may [ deleted: allede] conffydentlye alledge unto pryse./ And with the som that I shall gett, I mene presentlye to paye all mi detts, thowgh I leve mi sellf not 3d hopyng to begyn the worlld the better agayn by your honorable ayde, & her majesties good grace & disposityon towards me. yf your L. will vowchesave to speke a part with prises brother in lawe I will bryng hym to yow./ yf I sholld have 3000li of the contry, I save nothing by them, all things consydred, & mi losses & chargs, with the valuatyon of the Arreraygs & the yeres of the leasse to com, with sondrye other Respects, amownts in shew to xvj or xvij m li which they ar worthy to be corrected for, that wolld enter into the danger of ytt, for the non payment of xxs by the yere, & therin is theyr honestye & gratitude sene, how they wolld discharge theyr dutye, yf they had a gretter beneffite bestowed uppon theme. Herewith verey humbly I pray your L. to pardon these offten trobles that I do putt your goodnes unto, butt you ar the patron of the distressed, to whom we have all reffuge. the 27. of June. 1578. your L. most bownden. W. Herlleli.

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