
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/104

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 25 f. 129r - 130v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable mi verey good L. the L. highe Thresuror of England gyve these att the Cowrtt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 19 Ocb. 1577 William Herle to my L. Lres from William Humfrey.
Letter Text:
[fol. 129r] Havyn byn desyred in Wales by the lre of humffreyes (mi Right honorable good L.) to se this withinclosed delyverd to your L. I answered that I cowd nott do it so sodenly, for the busynes that I had to do in sondrye placs, butt assone as I cowd convenyently, the same sholld be saffely delyverd to your L. own hands, which the messenger contentyng hym sellf with, is the cawse that your L. Receveth it so late, I being butt newly retorned from mi jorney, desyreng verey humbly that your L. wolld vowchesave to here me a qwarter of an howre, for I protest to the lyveng God, that your L. never had any more desirows to serve yow than I, nor that with a trew & syncere zele, doth more honor & Love you than I do, which my prayers contynually to God for your L. hellth & grettnes, do bere me wyttnes, & my actyons shall shew yt even to the employeng of my lyfe, when yt tshall plese yow to use [ deleted: ytt] & dispose of it, which my duty & bond to your L. do comande me to do, & havyng that degre of God, to be a poore member of your [ deleted: lyve] lyne, I am tyed by nature the more to expresse it by all the service that I humbly may present. [ Marginalia (by Herle): I have ij extents by statute uppon those lands th'one of ij C L li & the other of ij C marks.] By the dethe of Richard vawghan of Tylleglace , those lands by sondry conveyancs & ryghts that I have in it, & by proximitye of blood & extents that I have presently to clayme by, ar disscended to me, which I wolld humbly advertys your L. of, desireng your honorable cowntenance & favor in eqwity, to strengthen mi sayd ryght, which yett yf it plese your L. to have att mi hand (for the Love that ye bere to the howse of Tylleglace) I will most wyllyngly resigne all to your [ deleted: hands] L. for I knowlege all that I have to deppend & procede from your L. & so I humbly desire your L. to thynck constantly of me, as God contynually have yow in his holy protectyon. from dorny being wery after mi long & laborsom jorny. the xix of october. 1577. your L. most humbly./ W Herlleli.

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